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I didn't want to break up with Chris. I was just irritated with our situation. And mad he didn't call me back. Childish I know. After my shower I drove over to Casey's.

"I think I broke up with Chris." I said as she answered the door.

"What? You think?" She stepped aside so I could walk in.

I replayed our conversation and she just stared at me.

"Are you done?" She asked once I finished talking.

I nodded.

"You're stupid, you know that right?"


"No seriously. You're so scared to be with him. You will literally find anything to create distance. Do you want him to just be done with you all together?" She tilted her head, "Because that's what's going to happen."


"Nope not done." She interrupted me. "You led him on and then got with Oliver. Then when you do get together you push him away. He loves you and I know the reason you're such a basket case about it is because you love him and that terrifies you. But Harp either you want to be together or you don't and you end it and move on. What is so scary about being with him?"

"We never see each other. And I hate it."

"I know but you knew that going in. Which sounds harsh but you knew it would be hard. So maybe you should have never decided to be with him. You can't just have all the highs of a relationship with no lows."

"That's not what I'm doing." I protest.

"Do you think it's easy on him being away from you? I don't envy your relationship with him because I know it's hard. But nothing good comes easy."

"It shouldn't be this hard though."

"I don't think you want to be with him."

My head snapped up and I frowned, "Of course I do. I've never felt this way about anyone......which is why I keep screwing it up. I don't want to get hurt. I just don't see how this will work long term."

"It won't if you keep giving up and don't stop being so wishy washy. Harper I love you and because I love you I say this, wake the hell up."

I chewed on my lip.

"Stop being afraid." Casey said a little more gently. "Call him. Work this out. Shit I don't know fly to Boston. Stop making stupid ass excuses. Fly out there. Your mom could get you a flight tonight probably. Make a grand gesture. Go get your man and let him know what he means to you."

"Mom could probably get me on a flight in the morning." I thought out loud.

 "Call out of work at the salon, you're about to quit anyway. Be reckless. Show him you love him and you choose him."

After collecting my luggage at the Boston airport I pulled my jacket tighter around me and adjusted the scarf around my neck.

I had taken Casey's advice. I called my mom and she managed to snag me a redeye to Boston. I threw some clothes in my suitcase, dropped Teddy off at my parents and was on my way to Boston. Without Chris knowing. I had called Scott since I had no clue how to even navigate my way around Boston. I also needed some assurance that this wasn't ludicrous.

I  immediately felt at ease when I saw Scott waiting for me inside the airport lounge.

"Hey gorgeous." He hugged me tightly.

"Hey!" I gave him a squeeze. "Do you think I'm crazy?"

"Yes." Scott laughed, "But he's going to flip. Did you sleep on the plane?"

"Not really." I yawned and then laughed. It was 8:30 eastern time. I had been up for almost 24 hours.

We walked to Scott's car and he threw my luggage in his trunk. The drive to Chris's place was quick but not quick enough.

"Go to his front door." Scott told me as we pulled in. "Don't knock. Just wait." He held his phone up.

I made my way up to the front porch and rubbed my hands together nervously. It was also freezing cold. And snowing. Scott was on his phone as he pulled my luggage out of his trunk.

"Just come here." I heard him groan.

A moment later the door flung open. "Scott if you woke me up-" Chris stopped when he saw me. "Harper!"

"Hi." The nerves were almost unbearable.

"What the hell? You're here, but-"

I closed the space between us and pressed my mouth to his. "I'm sorry." I breathed. "I love you. I don't want to break up. I was stupid."

"You flew across the country to tell me that?" He gave me a crooked grin.

"Yes and because I missed you. And I want you to know that I choose you. Over everything. Casey and I had a come to Jesus meeting. I realized I've been-" I was cut off by his lips on mine.

"Come in." He grabbed my hand and started to pull me in.

"Wait I have to get my suitcase." I giggled.

Chris looked up finally noticing Scott was actually there. "You knew?!"

Scott shrugged, "Some up had to pick her ass up from the airport."

I rolled my eyes with a laugh.

Chris met Scott halfway in the yard to grab my suitcase.

"Put some clothes on." Scott cringed at Chris in just his boxers and t-shirt.

"Nah, these clothes are coming off." Chris grinned.

"Oh yuck. Bye." Scott shoved the suitcase into Chris's arms and raced off to his car.

We got inside Chris's house and he pulled me into his arms. "I can't believe you came here."

"I missed you. I was tired of making excuses."

"What really changed your mind?" He wanted to know.

"Casey accused me of not wanting to be with you." I pulled back from him some. "And I thought that's exactly how I'm behaving, like I don't want to be with you. But it's because I'm scared. I hate the distance but I hate the thought of us not being together even more. I want to make this work." I admitted.

"I want to make it work too. And we will make it work. And we don't have to move in together. We can go back and forth between our houses."

"No, I want to move in together." I said shyly.

"You do? What in the hell did Casey say to you?"

"She just made me realize what I was screwing up. I've been sabotaging us, not intentionally but I've not given us a fair shot."

"And you're sure?" He was hesitant and rightfully so.

"I'm 100% sure. Never been more sure."

"I love you." He reached for me.

"I love you." I fell into his arms.

"And you're sure?" He asked again looking at me.

"Yes." I laughed, "Now kiss me please?"

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