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"Harp." I shook her gently but she was out. Had she really just said I should marry her? I was fairly certain it was the fever talking but I couldn't deny the fact my heart jumped at the sound of it. True we had only been together a very short amount of time. And I was known for wearing my heart on my sleeve. Harper on the other hand was definitely the opposite.  I tucked the blanket tightly around her and watched as Dodger jumped up on the other side of the bed, where I usually sleep. He spun around twice before laying down as close to Harper as he could get.

"Watch her for me." I commanded him. He tilted his head to the side before laying it down with a humph. I smiled at my 2 favorite beings cozy in my bed. I bent down giving Harper one more kiss on her head before quietly slipping out the door to head to work.

Night shoots were draining. Especially since I had been up all day. By the time I had finished up at 3 in the morning I was ready to go home and go to bed. Feeling like a Zombie I tore my clothes from my body as I walked to the bedroom stripping down to boxers and fell into bed. Both Harper and Dodger were exactly how I left them. I scooted Dodger so I could wrap my arms around Harper and pull her against me. She didn't feel as warm as she had earlier. Snuggling against her I started to doze until I felt her hand reach down and slide under the elastic of my boxer shorts.

"Whoa hey." I grinned.

"Hey." She mumbled in response. She turned over and her hand slipped around to my back. Her nails dug into my ass as she pulled me towards her.

"I missed you." She pressed her lips to my neck trailing down to my chest. I grabbed her carefully pulling her on top of me to straddle me. She looked down at me through sleepy eyes.

"You're beautiful." I ran my hands up her back and under her t-shirt. She shivered as my hands traveled back down her back and under her shorts. She lifted just enough so I could slide her shorts down and with a shake she wiggled them off. I quickly discarded my own boxers so she could lower herself onto me. I moan at the feeling of it. Suddenly I'm no longer tired. Nothing feels as good as being inside of her.  She rolls her hips and I grasp her thighs forcing her to take me deeper. She doesn't last long before hitting her climax and in record timing I follow right behind her. She collapsed onto my chest breathing heavily.

"You ok?" I whispered to her brushing the hair from her forehead.

"Perfect." She yawned. She slides off from me but keeps her arm tight across my stomach. I wrapped my arm around her and I'm not sure who fell asleep first.

Harper's visit was over way too soon. She was feeling better but I was working and we didn't get to spend as much time together as either of us would have liked.  Taking her to the airport was heart wrenching.

"I have a week left at the salon." She sighed as we got off at the airport exit. "Then I'll be in San Francisco."

"I have a break coming up." I winced as I said the words. This is usually when the fights start.

"OK." She replied simply looking over at me with a smile. Something had changed, she had changed. No longer this girl scared of commitment or worried about making it work. Even though this trip was short it had been a pivotal turn in our relationship. I no longer felt as though I was trying to convince her we could be together despite our careers and distance. I felt like she was in this with me.

"Ok?" I repeated.

She nodded. "I'm all in. For good." She reached her hand towards me and ran her fingers across my shoulder and the nape of my neck before moving up through my hair.

"Good. Me too." I took her hand bringing it to my lips I kissed her palm softly. "I love you."

"I love you."

Once inside the airport I walked her as far as airport security would allow me. Usually it was me leaving her to get on a flight it was weird being the other way around. It was harder.

"I'll see you soon." I could hear her voice breaking as she buried her face into my chest. Her body shook from the tears that had escaped.

"Very soon." I added. "It won't be long. I promise."

She nodded pulling back to look at me. "I love you so much."

"I love you more." I grinned. I gave her one more squeeze before she forced herself to pull away.

"If I don't go now I won't go." She gave me a teary smile. She blew a kiss at me as she grabbed her suitcase handle and pulled it along behind her.

"Harp!" I called.

She turned back to look at me as I took two giant steps to reach her.

"Did you mean it?" It had been eating me up. I hadn't asked her about it.

"What?" She tilted her head confused.

"Marrying you. Did you mean it?" I said in a rush.

"Marry? Who me? you?" Her eyes grew wide. OK apparently not. It was the fever talking.

"Never mind." My face flushed from embarrassment.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she studied my face. "What?" She asked softly.

"You were sick." I muttered looking down, "And you said-"

"You'd be a good husband." She smiled.

"Yeah." My head snapped up.

She smiled at me but didn't say anything else. I waited but she just gave me a slight shrug, an innocent smile still on her lips as she turned walking towards her gate.

I watched her go just as confused as I had been since she had said it nights ago. Right before she disappeared out of my sight she turned back around. "Of course I meant it!" She called a huge smile on her face.

A ridiculous smile took over my own face and I spent the entire drive back home trying to figure out how we came so far so quick but shit was I insanely happy about it.

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