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A/N:  I know we want Harper with Chris but if they just got together and lived happily ever after that would be boring. We need drama, and competition and heartbreak. So that being said......enjoy! And as always thank you for reading, voting, commenting. I appreciate it all!

I chewed nervously on my fingernail watching people exit the terminal from the flight from Vancouver. It was 3 weeks later and I was waiting on Oliver. I grinned when I saw his tall frame walking towards me. In black running pants and a gray hoodie he looked adorable. As always the hood was up over his head and he had a crossbody bag strapped to him. In his hand he carried his guitar case. His face lit up when he saw me and he started walking faster.

"Hey." I said softly as he reached me.

"Hey babe." He set the guitar down and pulled me into his arms tightly crushing me against his hard chest. I laughed and squeezed him back. Finally pulling back he looked down at me, "Hi."

"Hi." I pushed myself up on my tiptoes so my lips could brush his. His golden-brown eyes shone happily as he kissed me back before he gave me another squeeze.

We had made the decision that he would stay at my place just for a couple weeks until his apartment was ready. We had gone from hanging out, to deciding to date, to being away from each other for over a month, to moving in together. Temporarily. I must have lost my mind.

We got back to my place and I threw together a quick dinner. After we ate I told Oliver to relax on the couch while I cleaned up the kitchen. His last couple days on set he had gotten pretty banged up and bruised a rib cage. After cleaning the kitchen, I joined him in the living room where he was gently strumming his acoustic guitar.

"Hey." He stopped playing as I sat down across from him on the couch.

"Don't stop." I urged.

"Any requests?"

"How about....a love song?" I smiled tugging the hair tie from my wrist I pulled my hair up into messy topknot.

"A love song huh?" He kept strumming randomly until the tune sounded vaguely familiar.

I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues, waited on a line
Just to be the next to be with you

He paused grinning at me before continuing.

Why be alone when we can be together baby?
You can make my life worthwhile
I can make you start to smile

"What do you know about Mr. Big?" I smiled.

He shrugged and kept playing till the tune changed to something I felt like I had heard before. Once he started the lyrics I had to laugh. It was from the movie 'The Wedding Singer'.

I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold

Need you
Feed you
Even let you hold the remote control

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink
Oh, I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you

I was still smiling  as the tune changed once again and I easily recognized Maroon 5.

Wake you up in the middle of the night to say,
I will never walk away again
I'm never gonna leave this bed

So come here and never leave this place
Perfection of your face
Slows me down
Slows me down
So fall down I need you to trust me
Go easy, don't rush me

He stopped playing and set the guitar on the floor propping it against the couch before crawling towards me on the couch.

"Harper I'm so glad to be back with you." He said as he leaned me back hovering his body over mine.

"What did you call me?" I asked.

"Harper?" He quirked a dark eyebrow.

"I just like hearing you say my name." I giggled.

He chuckled. "Do you?"

I nodded. "I find your accent very....sexy." I pulled on the drawstring of his hoodie.

"Yeah? Anything else you find sexy?"

"Oh yeah." I murmured as his mouth met mine.

He paused only for a moment to pull the hoodie up over his head taking his gray T-shirt with it.

I had to stop myself from gaping at his Adonis like body. The 6 pack of abs and rock-hard chest. I ran my fingers across his lower ab and he inhaled sharply.

"How's your rib?" I asked softly my finger tracing up his stomach and gently over his rib.

"It's ok. Much better now." His eyes twinkled.

"How much better?" My hands slipped around to his back and he dipped his pelvis down pressing against me.

"What do you have in mind?"

I leaned up closing the space between us kissing his mouth deeply. He moaned and I could feel him growing harder against my stomach. His hands grasped greedily at my shirt and I allowed him to pull it up over my head. He leaned back his eyes roaming over me.

"Harper...." He trailed off as he admired the bralette I had on which consisted of a very thin material. He hesitated his eyes meeting mine asking if it were ok before he slid his hand under the shear fabric of the bralette his hand palming my breast and his thumb flickering over my nipple. I arched my back at his touch and he quickly removed the bra with a quick unsnap at the back of it.

His eyes met mine again and I arched my back one more time giving him the ok. He took my breast in his mouth sucking gently before moving up my chest and to my neck.

"Do you want to slow down?" His voice was husky as his lips grazed my ear.

I shook my head no tugging at the drawstring of his pants.

He chuckled, "Antsy much?"

"Says the one who removed his shirt first and took my bra off."

Oliver laughed, "What can I say? You make it very hard to control myself."

"That's ok." I pushed myself up pushing him back in the process. I made him lean back so he was no longer on his knees, but his long legs were stretched out underneath me. I straddled him and lowered my mouth to his.

"Do you want to go to my room?" I asked against his mouth.

He nodded swinging his legs off the couch he effortlessly stood up with my legs wrapped tightly around his waist and carried me to the bedroom.

I yawned the next morning wondering why my alarm didn't go off. I started to move to check my phone but the weight of Oliver's arm across my stomach stopped me. I smiled looking over at him still sleeping soundly. I carefully removed his arm and slid out of bed. I grabbed my phone and realized it was 10 minutes before I had to get up. That would give me a minute to enjoy my coffee instead of rushing around and I could also process last night.

Oliver and I had slept together and it was amazing. But when Oliver had fallen asleep I laid awake in my bed staring at the ceiling wondering why I was comparing Oliver to Chris and thinking how Chris had never been in my bed. I was a basket case. I didn't want to admit any kind of feelings towards Chris but despite all my efforts to forget him here I was comparing my boyfriend to him. Oliver most definitely deserved better. I had to figure out a way to forget Chris.

My phone chimed with a new notification and I frowned. It was from Scott. Why in the hell would he be texting me this early. I opened the text and practically spit my coffee out.

I want you to hear this from someone who cares about you before you read it or see it somewhere else. Chris is dating Lia. I told him to keep in out of the public but who knows what he'll do. I know you have a boyfriend but you know what I think about you and my brother. I just didn't want you to find out while watching E! News. Seems he's hell bent on pretending you don't exist.

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