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"You're right Harper, this is definitely the best pizza I've ever had." Oliver grinned at me from across the table. We had met for lunch at one of my favorite pizza places.

"I told you!" I smiled triumphantly popping the last piece of crust from my own pizza into my mouth.

Oliver ran his hand through his thick dark hair causing it to stand up in a sexy bed head way. The waitress walked over dropping the check at our table with a smile.

I went to reach for it but Oliver snatched it before I could get my hands on it. "Allow me." He insisted.

"No, you have to let me pay something." I grabbed my bag from the seat next to me.

"You get it next time." His dark eyes gleamed, a smile tugging on his lips.

"Ok." I promised. I checked my phone while Oliver was taking care of the check. Casey had texted me about another bonfire at the beach that night.

"Want to go to a bonfire?" I looked up at Oliver.

"Sure." He shrugged. "But only if we get to go surfing tomorrow."

"Really?" I asked my voice giddy. "I haven't been in awhile but I've been dying to go. I work tomorrow though." I wrinkled my nose.

"Ok your next day off, we'll hit the beach early."

"That sounds perfect actually."

"It's a date." He winked at me.

The sun was just shy of setting as we pulled up to the beach. I saw Joe's jeep and was excited for Oliver to meet Joe and Casey. I practically skipped the whole way to the bonfire dragging Oliver behind me.

"Casey!" I shrieked once I saw her long bleach blonde hair and petite frame standing with Joe by the fire.

"Hey!" Her eyes lit up and she waved. I grabbed Oliver's arm pulling him along once again.

"Casey, Joe this is Oliver." I smiled proudly.

"Hi." Casey gave him a warm smile.

"What's going on man?" Joe stuck his hand out to shake Oliver's.

"Not much. Getting the tour of all that is fun with this one." He hooked his thumb towards me before throwing an arm around my shoulder pulling me against him.

"Harper is the queen of fun." Casey teased.

"We're going to go surfing." I beamed.

"Now?" Casey looked around.

"No." I laughed, "My next day off."

"Oh....OH." Casey was looking at something behind me.

"What's wrong?" I looked over my shoulder to see who else but Chris, followed by Scott as they walked our way.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groaned.

"What's wrong?" Oliver frowned.

"Nothing. Let's get a beer." I suggested.

"I'll grab them." He offered.

"I need another." Joe spoke up, "Case?"

"Sure." She shrugged lazily.

Joe and Oliver made their way over to the keg just as I looked up catching Chris's eye in the process.

He looked surprised for a moment before a huge smile took over his face.

"Be nice." Casey warned.

"You know he didn't call me all day." I hissed.

"Hey beautiful." He came up next to me. "I had a feeling you'd be here."

Crushed (Chris Evans Fan-Fic)✅Where stories live. Discover now