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A/N:  Who's seen Knives Out? I LOVED it! How sexy was Chris as Ransom? I'd die for him as a bad boy!

After a full day snowboarding we finally got back to our cabin at 4.
"I'm so hungry." I pulled my jacket off. "I think I'm going to shower after we eat." I sat down on the edge of the bed to pull my boots off.
"How hungry are you?"  Chris raised an eyebrow.
"I'm pretty hungry." I said oblivious to Chris's gaze on me. My hair was back in a French braid and I slipped the hair tie from the tip of it.
Chris pulled his shirt up over his head and pushed his ski pants down to the ground.
"Are you going to shower?" I asked.
"I had something else in mind." He tugged  his pants off and gently pushed me to a laying down position on the bed before grabbing my hips and pulling me to the edge of it. I laughed and wrapped my legs around his waist as he thrusted towards me with a wicked grin on his lips.
"I love you." I reached up pulling his mouth to mine.
We were running a little late to meet Joe and Casey for dinner. Holding hands we walked into the dining room exchanging smiles.
"Are you kidding me?" Casey wrinkled her nose.
"What?" I asked as I slid into the seat next to her.
"I know why you guys are late." She gave me a look.
"Why are they late?" Joe wanted to know lifting his beer to his mouth.
"They were having sex."
"Casey!" I scolded her. But the guilty grin on my face gave it away.
"See!" Casey pointed at me.
"Stop it!" I could feel my face turning red, my cheeks on fire. "I'm going to use the rest room."
I pushed my chair back and stood up.
In the bathroom I checked my hair and makeup in the mirror. My hair looked like I had just had sex. I should have just left it pulled back in a French braid. I grabbed my beanie out of my bag and pulled it down over my head to cover my hair. I giggled to myself thinking of Parks and Rec's Andy Dwyers' song Sex Hair. I pushed open the bathroom door and ran straight into someone.
"Sorry!" I apologized trying not to laugh.
"It's ok." A young very good looking guy assured me.
"I wasn't even paying attention."
"It's really ok." He shrugged it off with a grin. We started walking the same direction at the same time bumping into each other once again. This time I couldn't hold back my laughter.

Joining in he stepped aside, "After you." He insisted.
"Thank you." I was still laughing as we both walked back towards my table.
"I'll try to be more careful." I grinned as I took my seat.
"Please do." He winked as he continued walking to his own table.
"Who was that?" Casey turned her head watching him go.
"I don't know. I hit him with the door leaving the bathroom."
Chris tilted his head to get a better look at the guy and then looked at me. "Why are you laughing?"
"Oh my gosh. Are you jealous?!" I grinned. I reached out taking his chin in my fingers I squeezed gently.
"No." He said with a pout.
"Yes you are. I'm sorry. I was laughing because.... I don't want to say." I started to blush.
"You're turning red." Chris's eyes widened.
"Yes but not because of what you're thinking."
"He hit on you didn't he?" Chris asked.
"No!" I started laughing.
"So explain what's so funny."
"No." I protested with a shake of my head.
"Come on Harp. I'm curious." Joe smiled wiggling his eyebrows.
"Don't make me please." I looked to Casey.
She shook her head. "Spill."
"Ugh. I hate you guys. Fine. I was laughing because of my hair." I mumbled.
"Your hair?" Chris asked.
"Yeah it was messy and....."
Casey burst out laughing. I knew she'd guess it. We've watched Parks and Rec a million times over.
"Sex hair!!" Casey managed to say between laughs.
"Yes thank you Casey." I pulled my beanie down tighter.
Chris and Joe started to laugh to.
"You get so embarrassed over the stupidest stuff." Joe teased.
"It's embarrassing talking about having sex at dinner in public with you guys!" I frowned.
The waitress walked up and I was grateful for the attention to turn from me.
After dinner we sat in the lounge on the overstuffed couches in front of the fireplace. The restaurant made a delicious kahlua hot chocolate and I was finishing my second one ready for my 3rd in no time.
"I'm going to get another one." I held my mug up as I pushed myself to a stand.
I walked over to the bar where the guy I had bumped into earlier was bar tending.
"Well hey!" He grinned at me.
"Hi." I smiled back. "So you work here?"
"I do. What can I get for you?"
"Another special hot chocolate." I raised an eyebrow.
"Coming up." He took my empty mug from me.
"How long you in town for?" He asked as he started making my drink.
"The 30th." I picked up a cocktail napkin and started folding it in half.
"Where you from?"
"Lucky me. That's not far."
I blushed at his forwardness.
"Hey babe you good?" Chris walked up his eyes on the bartender.

"I'm good." I turned to him. "You want another?"

"No, I was thinking we could get ready to turn in." He slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me against him.

The bartender caught my eye and gave me a small smile.

"After I finish this one?" I asked. I was feeling a little tipsy from my wine at dinner and my 2 spiked hot chocolates.

"Sure. Go sit down. I'll get it."

I gave him an amused smile but agreed.

45 minutes later we were walking back into our cabin. I was exhausted from a day on the slopes and the liquor at dinner.

"That creep was hitting on you, in front of me!" Chris exclaimed tearing his jacket off he tossed it down on the floor.

"Oh hush, he was not." I patted his chest before bending down to pick up his jacket.

"He was. I saw him, I heard him. What kind of guy hits on a girl when her boyfriend is there?"

I laughed, "Take it as a compliment. Who wants a girl no one else wants?"

"So you admit it? He was hitting on you?"

I rolled my eyes. "You know you're pretty sexy when you're jealous."

"Don't try to change the subject flattering me hoping to seduce me." He pulled me back to him. His arms tight around me he looked down at me through dark eyelashes.

"You are." I shrugged with a smile.

"Is that so?" In one swift move he bent down hoisting me up his hands on my ass I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I laughed throwing my head back as he walked towards the bedroom and tossed me down on the bed.

"Come here." I curled my finger motioning him towards me.

He climbed on the bed, lying down on his side next to me he gently pushed my hair back from my face. "You really don't know how captivating you are."

"Thank you. I could say the same about you." I reached up running my fingers through his dark hair, I tugged on the ends.

"I wouldn't know. You're the only girl I see."

I smiled at his words. I pressed my palm to his chest. "I love you."

"Love you too. Now get back to trying to seduce me." He dipped his head kissing me so deeply it left me dizzy.

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