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Our last day at the mountain we spent snowboarding until I was a popsicle. I was to exhausted for anything but a quick dinner and a hot shower afterwards. Chris was already half asleep in bed when I fell in next to him. Sleepily he reached out pulling me towards him. Resting his head on my stomach he inhaled deeply. He wrapped his arms around me tightly as he snuggled against me.

"Come to Atlanta with me." He mumbled.

"What?" I asked. I took my fingers and slowly massaged his scalp running my fingers through his dark hair.

"Come with me." He didn't open his eyes. I wasn't sure he was fully coherent. "I don't want to leave you."

"I can't." I stared at him, his face was relaxed with the slightest hint of a smile resting on his lips. His breathing was heavy enough that he seemed to be asleep, except when he was mumbling.

"If we lived together........ every night."  He was still mumbling and I couldn't catch all he said. "Come with me." He repeated.

"Chris, are you awake?" I asked pausing my hands from the motion of moving through his hair.

"Mmmmm." He mumbled.

"Chris?" I prodded. His breathing steadied and he didn't respond.

The next morning we shuffled around the cabin getting our belongings together. I had to admit I didn't want to leave. The last thing I wanted was to go back to reality. The reality where Chris would be leaving in a matter of days.

"Ready?" Chris stuck his head in the door. He had already taken our suitcases out to the car.

I nodded reluctantly. "Guess so."

"We still have a couple days together." He assured me. I waited for him to mention asking me to come to Atlanta with him or living together but he didn't.

We picked Teddy up from my parents and then went back to Chris's house. Watching a movie on the couch that night was exactly what I wanted to do. Especially since we'd be out late the next night. New Year's Eve Casey and Joe always have a huge party.

I was excited to ring in the new year as I got dressed in leggins and an oversized sweater the next evening. Chris looked handsome as ever in a dark green sweater and jeans. He caught me smiling at him and I blushed.

"Why are you blushing?" He teased as we walked out to his car.

I shrugged.

"I know you like me." He laughed.

"Just a little." I stuck my tongue out at him. As soon as we got to Casey and Joe's I started drinking. New Years Eve was one of the few nights I allowed myself to really get drunk.  New Years I throw all rules out the window.

By 10:30 I was feeling fantastic, not a care in the world. As always there were many people at the party. When Riley showed up I squealed with delight.

"Heyyyyyyy." I slurred. "I've been calling you all week." I slung my arms around her neck and hugged her tightly.

She smiled at me with a shrug.

"Come take shots." I grabbed her arm and drug her to the kitchen. We lined up a row of shots and I pulled Casey over to take one with us. Laughing uncontrollably I poured myself another one.

"Hey." Chris came up behind me. His breath hot on my neck, he smelled of peppermint and ciggarettes.

"Did you smoke?" I wrinkled my nose.

He grinned with a lazy smile. "Sorry."

"It's ok." I was to drunk to care. I lifted the shot to my lips and tilted my head back enjoying the fiery sensation sliding down my throat. I turned to face Chris bringing my mouth to his. He sucked on my lower lip enjoying the taste of vodka. The rush from the liquor and the feeling of Chris's hands sliding down my back made me delirious and I stumbled back a little.

Chris chuckled, his eyes were a little bloodshot and I wondered how much he had had to drink.

"We should go find a room." I laced my fingers though his.

"No, we can't....can we?" His mouth curled into a devilish grin.

"C'mon." I tugged on his hand. He staggered behind me before gripping my hips and pulling me back against him. I turned my head to look at him, I could feel him through his pants. I'd have to remember that drinking had this effect on him.

I led the way to the guest bedroom passing the hall bathroom. I stopped short when I saw Riley kissing someone against the bathroom door in the dark hallway.

"Ri?" I questioned.

Her head snapped up and she stepped back.

"Oliver?" The guy she was making out with was indeed Oliver. What the hell? I didn't even know he was here.

"Harp." Riley started towards me.

"The hell?" I shook my head trying to clear my alcohol induced state. It wasn't that simple. "So this is why you haven't answered any of my calls!"

"I was going to tell you."

"Tell me what? You're sleeping with my boyfriend? Ex-boyfriend." I corrected as I leaned against the wall.

"Boyfriend?" Chris looked at me. He narrowed his glassy eyes.

"I said Ex." I over-enunciated my words.

"Why do you even care if they're together?" Chris wanted to know.

"I use to date him!" I practically screamed. Damn the alcohol. My head was swimming. "She's my cousin."


"Oh don't start this shit Chris."

"Shit?" He asked.

"I don't want to hear you whine about how insecure you are." I stumbled against the wall.
"Whine?" His voice turned icy.
Shit. Why did I say that? "Yeah," I continued the alcohol fueling me unable to stop. "Like at the mountains with the bar tender. You practically had a pissing contest with him."
"Excuse me." Riley grabbed Oliver's hand and they slipped past us down the hall back into the living room.
"That's what you think?" Chris took a step closer to me.
"No." I desperately wanted to sit down. My stomach turned.
"A pissing contest." He took another step closer to me so I was backed against the wall.
"Yeah." I looked up at him contraindicating what I had just said. "It's stupid and annoying."

"So now I'm stupid and annoying?"

"I didn't say that." My head really started to spin. Apparently that last shot was a bad idea.

"Screw you Harper." He spat at me. He turned walking back to the living room. I couldn't go after him, I felt as if I was going to throw up any second so I pushed the bathroom door open and sunk down onto the floor.

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