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"Boston's not really that bad." I said as I snuggled into the blankets on Chris's bed watching him walk butt-naked to his bedroom en-suite bathroom.

"Yeah?" He stopped turning to smile at me. "You mean the airport and the wondrous scenery on the ride here?"

"That and a few other things." I tilted my head admiring how perfect he was.

Chris chuckled and continued to the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on. "I have to work today." He called out to me, "What did you want to do?"

"Sleep." I yelled back. "I really should take a shower...." I trailed off as my heavy eyelids started to close. I was sound asleep before Chris finished his shower.

I woke up 5 hours later feeling a little better. All of that flying (especially a red-eye cross country) had worn me out. It almost felt like it was a dream. Until I woke up in Chris's bed. I smiled to myself as I climbed out. Chris had left me a note taped to the bathroom mirror saying he'd be home by 6 and to make myself at home.  I took a shower before finding something to eat in the kitchen. Dodger was there and I was happy for the company. I looked out the window where the snow was coming down again. I shivered. This would take some getting used to. It was only 3:00 so I got comfy on the couch with Dodger and put a movie on. I guess I had fallen back to sleep because the next thing I knew Chris was gently tapping me to wake up.

"Hey." I smiled sleepily pushing myself up.

"Hey sleeping beauty." He grinned. "Did you get caught up on some sleep?"

"I think." I nodded.

"Good. Mom wants me to bring you to her house for dinner tonight. I told her I wasn't sure you'd be up to it. So don't feel bad if you don't want to."

"No, that sounds perfect actually. I'm starving. What time do we leave?"

"In about half an hour." Chris grinned.

"Ok I need to get up and get ready." I pulled the hair tie from my hair.

"I don't know. I kinda like you like this." Chris tugged on the t-shirt and sweats I had on. His t-shirt and sweats specifically.

"I borrowed some clothes." I stated.

"I can see that. It's very hot." He slipped his hand under the oversized shirt and brushed his fingers across my stomach.

Closing my eyes I inhaled sharply at the feel of his touch. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you." He shifted so he had one leg on either side of me. I looked up at him and smiled. I reached up twisting his shirt around my fingers.

"I can't believe I'm actually here. I mean that we're together. I don't want to leave." I realized.

He pushed me over with a gentle nudge sliding behind me on the couch. "You can stay." He had a smile on his lips but his tone was serious.

"You'd take care of me?" I whispered.

"Every day." He took a strand of my hair and twirled it around his finger.

"What about-"

"Don't say anything else. Can we just stop the conversation here for now? Cause what I wouldn't do to have you move here. Part time like me."

I smiled in response. "I should get ready."

"We have a few minutes." He murmured his head dipping down as his lips grazed mine.

45 Minutes later we were walking into his mom's house. Scott was the only other one there. I gave him a hug before greeting Lisa.

"You poor thing." Lisa immediately pulled me to the table where dinner was already ready and the table was set. "Scotty told me about your plane ride last night. And you were in San Fransisco before that. I hope you don't catch a cold with all that flying."

"Nah." I assured her with a smile, "I'm actually use to flying a lot. My mom used to be a flight attendant. I got to go to some really cool places between her and my dad."

"That's right! I remember your mom telling me that. What an amazing childhood you must have had. What was your favorite place you visited?"

"When I was 15 I got to go to Australia for the summer. That was pretty cool."

"I bet that was beautiful. OK everyone sit, eat."

I sat down next to Chris and across from Scott. "When do you go back to LA?" I asked Scott.

"Next week." He dumped a spoonful of mashed potatoes on his plate before handing them to Chris. "How long are you here for?"

"Just a couple days. I need to get back to the salon. I actually gave them my notice."

"What?" Scott frowned.

"I took a job doing hair and makeup on movie sets. Someone my dad introduced me too. Well she works on a lot of his movies."

"Harp, that's amazing! I'm really happy for you. But you won't be in LA?"

I shook my head no.

"And you're ok with that?" Scott gave Chris an amused look.

Chris shrugged. "Who knows this might work out fantastically."

"Optimistic." Scott shrugged.

Chris rolled his eyes and changed the subject.

After dinner we stayed for a little while longer but I was still feeling off from flying and the time change so we went back to Chris's.

Walking in Chris's front door I sneezed 3 times in a row.

"Uh oh....Mom called it you're sick." He teased me.

I shot him a dirty look. "I think my body is just telling me to chill out. I'm sure I'm not sick."

I woke up the next morning with 101.5 fever. I was sneezing and coughing like I had just smoked a pack of cigarettes. Chris forced me to go to an Urgent Care where they diagnosed me with a sinus infection and bronchitis. And also advised me to not fly for a few days.

"This is not how I planned spending time with you." I complained as Chris tucked me into his bed. He had to work that evening for a night shoot.

"Me either, but hopefully the antibiotics will start doing their magic and you get to stay for an extra day." He added.

"Yay." I tried to sound enthusiastic but ended up coughing so badly Chris ran to get me a drink.

"You'll make a good husband one day." I said after I finished my drink and was snuggling into the blankets.

"Thank you." He replied bending down to kiss my sweaty forehead.

"Me." I yawned closing my eyes. This bed was so comfy.

"Huh?" Chris stopped.

"Marry me." I tried to stay awake but sleep overtook me.

Crushed (Chris Evans Fan-Fic)✅Where stories live. Discover now