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2 weeks later I was spending most of my days hanging out with Chris, and most of my evenings on the phone with Oliver. I was a mess. Chris didn't push me to date him, however he didn't hide his feelings or his attempt to pursue me either. I was hesitant with Chris. I couldn't exactly pinpoint the reason why. And then there was Oliver who I was getting to know so well over the phone and beginning to really like. But I still wasn't sure if I was just pushing Chris away and allowing Oliver to help me do so.

We were going to be in Vancouver the first week of September and I was sad to see Summer come to an end. Never having been to Vancouver I kept checking the forecast which appeared to be noticeably cooler then LA. Oliver told me to bring pants and a jacket for sure.

"How long will you be in Vancouver?" Chris asked a few days before Casey and I were set to leave.

"A week." I plopped down on the couch next to him. It had become the new norm him coming over, Dodger in tow.

Chris nodded taking a sip of his beer.

"Oliver's going to be there, huh?"

"He is." I hated when the conversation turned to Oliver. I had no idea what I was doing, more than likely playing with fire juggling the 2 of them.

"You like him?" Chris kept going.

"Chris." I looked at him, "I'm not going to talk to you about this."

"Why not?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Do you want to watch a movie or what?" I leaned up to grab the remote from the coffee table.

"What did you feel when you kissed him?" Chris scooted closer to me one arm behind me resting on the sofa.

"Chris." I gave him a dirty look.

"I just don't think he can do to you what I can." His fingertip ran along my shoulder blade causing me to shiver. He dipped his finger down under the strap of my cami.

"Chris." I repeated looking up at him.

He shook his head slowly before taking his free hand and tilting my chin towards him. His mouth met mine in a slow soft kiss. It still felt like fireworks. I swallowed as he shifted, his hand sliding into my hair pulling me closer to him. As if my brain had no control over my body I moved my leg across him so I was now straddling him. His strong hands cupped my chin as we kissed before slipping around to my back and taking their time moving downward.

He took his fingers and pushed my cami up so his hands were hot on my skin. I moaned into his mouth at the touch. I could feel him smile against my mouth.

My phone vibrating across the coffee table caused me to tense up and stop.

"No." He moaned, his arms wrapping around me tighter.

"This shouldn't be happening." My voice said but my mouth kept kissing him.

"Why?" His hand on my bra he unhooked in one swift move.

I gasped and leaned back holding my bra against my chest.

Chris laughed. "I love how innocent you pretend to be." He took his finger and dipped it down between my cleavage.

"Pretend?" I started to move from his lap to silence my phone, but he stopped me, his hands on either side of my thighs.

"Ignore it."

"It's a sign." I pushed myself off him.

"A sign? Oh come on Harp!" He groaned.

"Hey Case." I answered the phone my hand still holding my bra in place. Chris rolled his eyes as I made my way to the bathroom to fix my bra.

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