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Oliver gave me a small smile until his eyes shifted to look behind me where Chris stood with his hand resting on my shoulder.

I opened my mouth trying to find words but couldn't make a sound.

"Harper!" I finally focused on who else was with Oliver. Behind him was his dad Luke and stepmother Maggie.

"Mr. Kemp, Maggie." I tore my eyes from Oliver, "I didn't know you were in town. Come in." I stepped aside so the 3 of them could enter.

"You look gorgeous." Mr. Kemp gave me a quick hug, "And it's Luke not Mr. Kemp."

"Ok. And thank you." I gave Maggie a hug. "There's food in the kitchen, make yourselves at home."

Oliver nodded and followed his dad and Maggie towards the kitchen.

"Great." I turned to Chris.

"It'll be fine." Chris shrugged. "There's a lot of people here." He rubbed my shoulders with his hands.

"Right." I sighed.

I tried to relax but it was awkward with Oliver there, as well as his parents and Chris and his entire family. When I saw Oliver talking to Riley I thought maybe if I tried to talk to him I could make it a little less awkward.

"Hey guys." I walked up. They both turned to look at me. Riley gave me a smile while Oliver seemed to look through me.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked Oliver.

"Sure." He shrugged.

"I'm going to go get a refill." Riley held up her empty cup.

"Thanks Ri." I smiled at her gratefully.

"What's up Harp?" His eyes didn't meet mine.

"I'm sorry for how things ended." I started nervously twisting a piece of my hair around my finger, "And now-"

"And now I show up not even 2 months later and you're with him?" Oliver spat. "Answer me this Harper, was something going on the entire time we were together? How much of an idiot do I actually look like right now?"

"Nothing was ever going on with him when I was with you. Oliver no one thinks you're an idiot."  I added softly.

"Forgive me but I don't believe that." He looked away from me.

"I wouldn't have done that to you."

"Did you ever really even care for me? Or was I just a part of the game to make him jealous?"

"Come on, you know that's not true." I tried to get him to look at me. When he finally did his golden brown eyes were filled with anger and hurt.

"It's Christmas, let's not do this here, now." He stood up, "I'll be leaving soon and you can go back to playing house with him."

"Oliver!" I called out but he was halfway across the room.

The evening started to wind down. Chris's family had left to get the kids in bed. Chris and I stayed at mom and dad's long enough to help clean up.

"We're taking off." Casey walked into the kitchen where I was loading the dishwasher.

"Ok." I dried my hands on dishtowel and gave her a hug. "If you guys can stop by tomorrow we'll be here after noon probably."

"Ok, sounds good."

"Have you seen Riley?" I asked. "I wanted to say bye to her but I haven't seen her."

Casey shook her head just as Joe said, "She left with Oliver."

"What?" I turned to Joe.

"Yeah. I saw them leave like an hour ago." Joe didn't look up from the piece of chocolate candy he was trying to unwrap, obviously unaware of how it look and sounded that Riley had left with Oliver.

Casey smacked Joe knocking the candy from his hand, "Hey!" He frowned looking up from Casey to me, "What?"

"Riley, Harper's cousin, left with Oliver, Harper's ex-boyfriend?" Casey raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Why do you care?" Joe looked confused.

"I don't." I turned back to the dishwasher, "I was just surprised."

"About what?" Chris asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Riley and Oliver left together." Joe explained.

"Joe." Casey shot him a dirty look.

"What? I'm confused. I'm going to get another piece of candy."

Chris looked at me, "Does that bother you?"

"No." I frowned, "I just was surprised."

Chris nodded, "You about finished up here? Living room and dining room are clean."

"I am." I shut the dishwasher and hit the button to turn it on.

"We'll walk out with you." I said to Casey.

After grabbing my jacket, saying good night to my parents and hooking Teddy up to his leash we all walked out to our cars.

"Merry Christmas." I hugged Casey one more time followed by Joe.

"Merry Christmas guys." Casey echoed.

"Love you." I called as they climbed in Joe's car. I was waiting for Teddy to use the bathroom.

The drive to Chris's house was quiet, even Teddy wore out from all the attention, was sleeping in my lap.

"Hey." Chris said as he put the car in park in his driveway.

"Hey." I said back with a sleepy smile.

"You love me, right?"

I tilted my head, "Of course." I reached up running my thumb along his lower lip. I wasn't sure why he seemed so insecure.

"Say it." He asked of me.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too. I know you probably think I'm crazy always asking you to say it-"

"I don't think that." I interrupted him.

"I just know how wanted you are. I saw the way Oliver looked at you tonight."

"Oh." I shifted in my seat to look at him, "I didn't know he was coming."

"Yeah I know you didn't. But when you saw him......you didn't....." He trailed off.

"Didn't what?"

"I don't know." He rolled his shoulders, "Wish you were with him." He muttered.

"What? No." I shook my head, "No."

"Were you jealous that he left with Riley?"

"No." Was I? I don't know.

"I just really hate the thought of you being with him. I know you're with me now. But you chose him over me once-"

I cut him off pressing my finger to his lips. "Stop."

He kissed my fingers, "Let's get inside."

I nodded slipping out of the car I followed him inside.

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