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I woke up the next morning unable to move and drenched with sweat. I opened my eyes to find Chris using me as body pillow. His arms securely around my waist, his head resting on my chest and his leg thrown over mine. His body radiated heat like an oven. I attempted to untangle my legs from his with no success.

"Chris." I wiggled to try to get out of his grasp. I was so warm I felt sick. I got one leg free and tried to keep scooting out from under him.

"Mmmmm." He mumbled incoherently.


"No." He whined pulling me tighter to him.

"Chris, I'm hot."

"I know." He threw his leg back over mine.

"No temperature. Please move."

His breathing slowed and he started to snore lightly.

"You've got to be kidding me." I moaned. With no other options I pushed his arms as hard as I could and wiggled once again to get out from underneath him. Not an easy feat with my legs still pinned under his. With one final push I slipped out from him and almost fell off the bed.

He barely stirred and I grabbed a pair of pj shorts and t-shirt from my dresser before slipping out of the bedroom.

I was pouring creamer in my coffee when he pulled open my bedroom door and moseyed down the hall.

"Where'd you go?" He rubbed his eyes.

I looked over at him. He had put on his boxer shorts but nothing else. His hair was sticking up everywhere and he had a red mark across his cheek from the pillow.

"Want some coffee?" I asked.

"Ehhh." He walked into the living room and let himself fall down on to the couch.

"Ok." I took a sip of my own coffee before setting it down on the kitchen counter and walking into the living room.

I studied Chris for a moment, I swore he was already back to sleep.

I turned to go back to the kitchen but he reached out and hooked his arm around my leg and pulled me back onto the couch with him.

"Lay with me." He begged.

"How can I say no to that?" I replied as he scooted back against the couch making room for me. He kissed my forehead and moments later was sound asleep. I laid with him for a few minutes but I got hot again and I wasn't tired so I slipped out of his arms. I put the throw blanket on him and quietly turned the tv on. I had no plans except to go pick up Teddy. I still felt gross from the night before so I took a hot shower.

In the middle of washing the shampoo out of my hair I heard the click of the bathroom door.

"Chris?" I called. I couldn't open my eyes thanks to the shampoo running down my face. A second later the shower curtain pulled open and Chris stepped in.

I turned to face the water letting it rinse my face clean.

"Hi." I turned back around with a smile.

"Hey." He grinned at me. "Switch places with me?"

I let him scoot past me so he could get under the water and I grabbed the conditioner applying it to my hair.

"Switch." He put his hands on my hips and pulled me against him.

"That's not a good idea." I slid past him.

"What?" He asked innocently. "Shampoo." He pointed behind me on the ledge of the tub.

I bent down picking it up and handing it over to him.

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