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A/N:  First - thank you if you're reading this. If you like it vote so I know y'all are enjoying it! Also if you're reading Dangerously and waiting for an update I promise it's coming. I don't have the next chapter exactly how i want it and instead of just posting to post I want it to be right.


"Hey!" He grinned widely at me, "I thought that was you." He stepped forward to engulf me in a hug.

"It's me." I nodded pulling back. "You're here." I stated, "When did you get back?"

"Today." He laughed, "I was going to call you actually. I'm only in town for a few days but I'm retiring from the air force. I'll be home permanently at the end of the month."

"What?" I asked unable to mask my surprise.

He nodded, "I know it's weird. I wasn't sure I wanted to but...." He trailed off with a shrug. "You look amazing by the way."

I blushed looking down at my black leggings and oversized sleeveless leopard print blouse that I had worn to work that day.

"Thank you. You look amazing too." I said shyly. And amazing was putting it mildly. Josh always gave me major Zac Efron vibes. Floppy brown hair that I wasn't even sure was Air Force acceptable, stunning blue eyes and a smile that was contagious. In khaki shorts and a dark blue shirt, he looked like a walking Gap model.

"Who are you here with?" He looked around curiously.

"Just Casey and Joe, you?"

"A buddy. I got in around 3:00 and he forced me to come out." He laughed. "So you're not dating anyone?"

Chris's smile flashed through my head, "Nope, not dating anyone." I shook my head.

"Good." He flashed me smile.


Dodger whined nudging my hand with his wet nose.

"Ok ok." I gave in, "Let's go bud." I grabbed his leash hooking it to his harness so we could go for a walk, his favorite thing to do.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket as I shut the front door behind me. Text message from Scott. I opened it and felt my stomach drop.

It was a picture of Harper and a guy at the bonfire. I squinted and my fear was confirmed, it was Josh. I quickly read the text from Scott.

'Look who's back.'

"What the hell." I muttered to myself. Dodger jerked pulling me down the steps as I fumbled to look at the picture again. I was just with her 24 hours ago. I couldn't stand Josh. And for no reason other than he had dated Harper. He was actually a cool guy. I honestly didn't really even know him. Met him a few times in passing. I thought by slowly showing Harper how I felt about  her would be the best way to preserve our friendship. I had always felt like there was something more between us. Maybe I took too long to tell her.  I wondered how long Josh would be back in town. He'd be flying out soon enough I was sure. But seeing him with Harper was driving me nuts. If I could hop on the next flight out to LA I would do it in a heartbeat.

I groaned as I stuck my phone back into my pocket. I could call her but I didn't want to be that guy.

Ugh. Who the hell was I kidding? I didn't care if I was that guy or not. I pulled my phone back out and found her name in my contacts.

It rang a few times  before going to voicemail. I frowned. Did she ignore my call? I called her again. This time it rang once and went to voicemail. Ok she had definitely ignored my call. With a sigh I stuffed my phone back into my pocket doing my best to distract myself with Dodger and our walk.


He sure was persistent. I looked at my phone as I dismissed Chris's call again. I wasn't going to answer him while I was sitting with Josh. And I know he was probably only calling because Scott told him I was with Josh. I hated the fact that he didn't call me all day but as soon as he thought I was with someone else he was blowing up my phone. He had had months to let me know how he felt. I just couldn't figure out why he had waited till when he did. Turning my attention back to Josh I tried to push Chris to the back of my mind.

"Would you be up for that?" Josh asked.

"Huh?" I tried to focus on the conversation. "Sorry." I apologized.

"It's ok." He laughed, "I was wondering if you wanted to grab something to eat tomorrow. I'm only here till Sunday. But I want to see you again before I leave."

"Yeah. I work till 3 tomorrow."

"How about 5? I'll pick you up?"

"I moved." I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I mean I'm at my new place. You haven't seen it since I moved in."

"That's right. How do you like it?"

"I like it a lot."

"Well I look forward to seeing it." He nudged me softly with his shoulder.

"It's not a date." I repeated the next day to Casey. "We're just grabbing dinner."

"You're either in serious denial or just hell bent on being alone." Casey replied, "First Chris and now Josh. Both are crazy about you. And both will be in Los Angeles in a month. So you better figure out what you want."

"You've been with Joe for so long Casey you don't even remember what it's like to date." I balanced my phone between my shoulder and my ear. It was true Casey had started dating Joe in high school. They were married by the time they were 20. She only had one serious boyfriend before him.

"You have no idea how much I wished I had what you guys had. But no I'm stuck with-"

"Chris Evans." Casey interjected. "You're right, poor you." She said sarcastically.

"It's not as simple as that." I set the phone down putting it on speaker so I could finish applying my makeup before Josh was set to arrive in 30 minutes.

"Have fun tonight. Call me and let me know how it goes." Casey laughed.

"Of course. Bye Case." I hung the phone up and continued with my makeup.

Josh picked me up and we went out for a casual dinner. I always had fun with Josh and tonight was no exception. When he asked if I wanted to take a walk on the beach after dinner I had no hesitation saying yes.

"I don't expect things to pick back up where they left off." Josh started as he grabbed my hand. We were walking along the beach watching the sun slowly sink behind the horizon. "But when I get back I would really like to maybe try us again."

"I'd like that too." I said the words even though I didn't believe them. All I had thought about the entire evening was how much I wished I was with Chris right now. Or how things could be if Chris and I could actually try at a relationship.

After Josh dropped me off later that night I sat at my vanity removing my makeup, my phone sitting next to me.

I wonder what Chris is doing. I thought to myself. Picking up my phone I hit his name in my call log and patiently waited.

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