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Chris didn't stay the night, he had to get home to Dodger. He gently shook me to wake me up at some point in the night and I sleepily walked him to the door where he gave me a kiss goodbye.

I had to work all day the next day and was pleasantly surprised when Chris texted me on and off through out the day. I had hoped he would make plans to get together that evening but he didn't.

Riley called me on my way home from work and asked me to stop by so I did.

"Knock, Knock." I pushed the door to Riley's apartment open and stuck my head in.

"Hey!" She called.

"Hey!" I set my purse down on the foyer table and wandered in looking for her. She was in her kitchen loading the dishwasher.

"What's up?" I asked.

She shook her head, "Want to grab some food?"


We went and grabbed a bite to eat at our favorite Japanese place. On the way home Riley had a sudden sweet tooth.

"Let's stop for ice cream." She suggested.

"That sounds good. Let's go to the outdoor place by the beach." It was my favorite plus I hadn't been to the beach in a week and I felt like I was going through withdrawal without the scent of saltwater.

Standing in line for our ice cream I saw Scott entering the shop.

"Scott!" I called out with a grin.

"Hey!" He nodded a hello to me before making his way over to me, "Hey Riley." He acknowledged her. "What are you guys doing here?" Was it just me or did he seem nervous?

"Getting ice cream." I said giving him a look. "What are you doing here?" I laughed.

"Ice cream." He nodded.

"Who are you here with?" I leaned around him craning my neck so I could see outside.

"Zack." He replied quickly.

"Date night?" I asked.

"Nah, just hanging out."

"Ok." I looked at Riley wondering why Scott was acting so odd.

"Gotta use the restroom. I'll see you later." He gave me a quick hug and beelined to the bathroom.

After getting our ice cream and walking outside I realized why Scott was acting funny. At a table with Zach was Chris, and a beautiful brunette who was practically sitting on top of him.

"Who's that?" I asked to no one in particular, my heart slamming into my chest.

Riley scrunched her nose and squinted trying to get a better look.

"I don't know." She looked at me.

Scott came up behind us and I whipped around, "Who's the girl?"

"It's not what it looks like." Scott started.

"So it's not a double date?" I tilted my head.

"Zach set him up weeks ago. He didn't want to back out last minute." Scott tried to explain.

"Weeks ago? He's been in Boston."

Scott shrugged helplessly.

"He was with me last night." My brow furrowed. "He didn't mention a date."

"Well like I said Harp he didn't want to be rude and back out last minute."

"He could have cancelled, or he could have told me. If this was planned weeks ago."

Scott didn't say anything.

"You didn't see me." I said to Scott before grabbing Riley's arm and dragging her off towards the beach.

"He's on a DATE?!" I screeched once we were far enough away from the ice cream parlor. I kicked my foot in the sand.

Riley didn't say anything.

"Ri he was with me last night. Like WITH me."

"You slept with him?" She whispered her eyes wide.

"No." I shook my head, "But we did other stuff." I frowned. "He never mentioned a date tonight. He texted me all day! Not once did he say he had plans with another girl. And I know he's not my boyfriend but if you're going to allow a girl to put her lips on your junk you could at least let her know you have plans with some other girl THE NEXT DAY!"

My raised voice earned the attention of some nearby beach goers and Riley apologized on my behalf.

"Let's go." Riley suggested, "He might see your car."

The last thing I wanted was to be face to face with Chris right now or him to know that I knew about his date so I agreed and followed Riley back to my car where we make a quick escape.

I went home fuming. He was a flirt. The biggest. He wanted to go on this date tonight otherwise he would have told me. I was all he could think about all month? Yeah right. That's why he allowed Zach to set up him on a date?!

I called Casey and told her what had happened.

"You're kidding." She said sounding shocked, "He doesn't seem like that type."

"I'm not mad that he did it. He's not my boyfriend but I don't know... he kind of gave me the impression I was the only one he was interested in." I sunk onto my bed.

"Ask him about it." Casey advised.

"No. I'm not going to. I don't even want him to know that I know. I told Scott to not tell him he saw me."

"Harper that seems juvenile. I really think Scott was telling the truth. Chris probably just didn't want to back out. He's genuine nice guy. I think you're putting to much thought into this. If you just ask him-"

"No." I cut her off with a shake of my head. "He could have told me."

"So what are you going to do?" She wanted to know.

"I don't know." My phone chimed in my ear alerting me of an incoming text.

Hey! Wondering if I could take you up on that lunch offer tomorrow?

"Oliver just texted me." I told Casey swiping the text away.

"He did? What did he say? He's so delicious girl."

I laughed, "He wants to grab lunch tomorrow."

"Well then that's what you'll do."


"You'll go on a date yourself."

And that's just what I did!

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