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"What is your problem?" I spun around eyeing Chris.

"This way I get to say good night again." He mocked Oliver.

"Calm down. We're just friends." I moved past him walking towards my bedroom.

"Who me and you? Or you and Captain Kangaroo?" He followed behind me.

"Both." I replied, "Now if you'll excuse me for a moment I need to change."

Chris wrinkled his nose as I shut my bedroom door in his face.

I stripped out of the dress as Chris continued to talk on the other side of the door. "I mean I knew I had to worry about Maverick but didn't know Crocodile Dundee was after my girl too."

I blushed at him calling me his girl even though he couldn't see me.

"Maverick?" I called back to him.

"Yeah your pilot boyfriend."

I laughed, "Josh isn't my boyfriend."

"I know. He back in town yet?"

I pulled a tank top over my head and a pair of sweat shorts up over my hips before pulling the door back open where Chris was leaning on the door jam.

"I don't think so. I haven't talked to him." I smiled sweetly as I slid past him.

"So how do you know Captain Kangaroo?" Chris asked.

"You're really funny." I said sarcastically, "Jealously doesn't suit you."

"If I knew about my competition before being blind sided by it, I wouldn't be jealous. I'm pretty confident in myself." He said smugly as he hopped over the back of the couch and grabbed the remote.

"Yeah? Is that why you were hiding in the bushes stalking me?" I raised an eyebrow as I sat down next to him snatching the remote from his hand.

"I wasn't hiding in your bushes. You just didn't see me cause you were too busy waving bye to Mr. Down under."

I rolled my eyes with a laugh, "His name is Oliver. And you do realize he's from New Zealand not Australia."

"I didn't ask, and I don't care."

"You know you're a pain." I flipped through the channels. "I can't believe I missed you."

"You missed me, huh?" He scooted over slipping his arm around my shoulder he gave me a cheesy grin.

"No, I take that back." I moved over creating some distance between us.

"Oh come on. You know you want to kiss me right now." He scooched closer to me.

"No I don't." I lied.

"Fine. I'll just go then." He started to stand up.

"Get back here." I tugged on his shirt causing him to fall back down next to me.

He laughed and then leaned over gently brushing his lips against mine. I shifted to deepen the kiss but he pulled back.

"Wait I thought you said we were just friends." He eyed me.

"We are." I sat back and continued flipping the channels on the tv.

"Now who's the pain?" He wanted to know.

"I'm not a pain. I'm just stating the truth. We," I motioned between us, "don't date."

"We could." He propped his feet up on the coffee table.

"I don't think so." I shook my head.


"Because first of all-"

"First of all? You have a list?" He raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"Maybe. As I was saying first of all, you're famous."

"So!" He frowned.

"I don't know that I'm comfortable with dating an actor."

"Well I can help you get over that. What's next?"

"You live in Boston."

"Sometimes. Part time."

"No like 85% of the time. Where's Dodger right now? I thought you were bringing him."

"He's at Scott's. I didn't want to drag him along tonight. Next excuse."

"They're not excuses." I protested.

"Just admit you like me."

"No." I looked away.

"Come on. It's easy just say Chris I think you're super-hot and I really like you."

"I'm not going to say that." I shook my head giving him a dirty look.

"Why? How about if I go first?"

I looked at him lamely.

"Harper, I think you're super-hot and I really like you. Now you go." He waited for me.

"No." I said after a moment, "It would never work."

"You keep saying that. You have no idea if it would or not."

"I've done a long-distance relationship and I didn't like it."

"I'm not Josh." He said seriously. "And I'm not in the military so it won't be as hard."

"No you're going to be on film sets who knows where, making out with who knows who, and then you have fans who are crazy about you."

"But I'm crazy about you."

"How long are you in town for?" I asked.

"Couple months."

"Then what?"

"Then I go film in Atlanta."

I didn't say anything.

"And then I'll come back." He added.

"What about Boston?"

"What about it?"

"You live there most of the time."

He shrugged, "I'm not there now and I could be."

"Why?" I finally asked.

"Why what?" He asked.

"Why do you want to date me?"

"Because all kidding aside Harper I can't stop thinking about you. Ever. You're literally all I thought about this past month. And I can't remember the last girl that made me feel that way. You're so incredibly beautiful and you don't even know it. You're down to earth and funny and sexy as hell. Why wouldn't I want to date you? You have a million guys chasing you and I'm just trying to get a chance."

My cheeks flushed deep red at his words, "You could have anyone."

"So could you. I can think of 2 guys off the top of my head who wish they were here right now."


"That Thor wanna-be and Goose."

I burst out laughing, "No more nicknames."

"Fine but only if you agree to date me."

"How about one date and we see what happens."

"Deal." He agreed.

"Deal." I smiled.

Crushed (Chris Evans Fan-Fic)✅Where stories live. Discover now