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"Hellooooo." Chris answered on the 3rd ring. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Hi." I said suddenly shy.

"Hi." He echoed. "What's up gorgeous?"

"You're a flirt." I mentally kicked myself for calling him.

"I don't know why you always say that." He sounded offended.

"Cause you are."

"No, just with you." He said sincerely.

"Anyway." I hurried to change the subject, "What are you doing?"

"Sitting out on my back deck drinking a beer. What are you doing?"

"Taking my makeup off." I cringed.

"You don't even need makeup." He muttered.

"Well thank you. But I disagree."

"I bet you look stunning, facetime me."

"No way." I shook my head reaching up I pulled the tie from my hair shaking it loose.

"Too late." A moment later my phone chirped with a facetime request.

I accepted it, against my better judgement, tapping the green button. I was sure it was a bad idea to facetime him but the moment I saw his face on my screen I grinned. The sun had just started to set there and like he said he was indeed out on his deck beer in his hand.

"Told you." He said triumphantly, "Stunning."

"You don't look to bad yourself." I bit back my lower lip still smiling. My thoughts wandered to the other night when we were making out on my couch. What I wouldn't give to be with him now, to feel his lips on my neck, his hands on my body-

"Harp." He called my name snapping me from my daydream.


"I asked what you did tonight?"

"Oh, I just went out for dinner." I looked away.

"Oh." He retorted flatly.

"Where's Dodger?" I asked eager to change the conversation once again.

Chris flipped the phone around to show Dodger lying at his feet.

"He's adorable. I hope you bring him back to LA soon."

"In a month."

"He's coming with you?" I asked surprised.

"I'm thinking about sticking around town for a little while." He shrugged.

"What's next on the work schedule?" I stood up from my vanity turning the overhead light in my bedroom off and climbed in bed.

"I'll be in LA for a little while. Why is it suddenly so dark there?"

"Sorry." I laughed reaching over I turned the lamp on my nightstand on illuminating that little corner of my room.

"You're in bed." He stated.

I nodded pulling my dark blue flowered comforter up to my chin. "It's 11:00 here."

"That's right. And you were out late." He pretended to clear his throat.

"You jealous? Cause you sound jealous."

"Depends. Who were you with?"

"Josh." I admitted softly.

Chris nodded pursing his lips he looked down. He inhaled before asking, "How long is he in town for this time?"

"Till Sunday. But he'll be home permanently at the end of the month."

"Wow. And you two are what? back together?" He practically spat.

"No. Honestly I thought about you all night." I ducked my face a little lower behind my blanket.

Chris's scowl softened into a smile. "Guess the spell I put on you worked."

I burst out laughing. "You're a goof."

He shrugged, "I like talking to you like this. On facetime. We should do it more often."

"I'll consider it."

We talked for over an hour before I was yawning and falling asleep and he forced me to hang up.

The next afternoon I went over to my parents house. I hadn't stopped by in over a week and my dad had come by to look at the ice machine while I was at work. (Still wasn't fixed. I needed a part.)

"Hey mom!" I called out as I pushed the front door open.

"Hi honey!" My mom stuck her head out of the office door that was open right next to the front door.

"Oh hi." I laughed as I gave her a hug.

"You're off today?" She questioned walking back into the office.

"Yeah. What are you doing?" I followed her into what was my dad's office. Since retiring from being a stuntman my dad had become a stunt coordinator. He really didn't have much need for an office, but he always had one. My parents have lived in the same house my entire life. I found it comforting that I still had my old bedroom at their house. My room was frozen in time looking exactly how I had left it when I had moved out years ago. I tried to do the college thing but like I said found out that wasn't for me. For that first year of college though Casey and I had an apartment together off campus. She had stayed in school and became a veterinarian. Joe moved in with us after the first year of college. That was also the same time I dropped out and temporarily moved back home. Casey and Joe were married by the end of her sophomore year. And while I was so proud of my best friend, I couldn't help but be jealous as well. She knew what she wanted to do with her life, she had met the man of her dreams and married him. Meanwhile I was a college dropout living at home with my mom and dad and no signs of meeting any potential boyfriends. Well today at least I had 2 out of 3 of those things cover. I loved my job and I loved my condo. Potential boyfriends were still questionable.

"I'm cleaning your dad's office." My moms voice brought me back to the present conversation.

"Why?" I picked up a book from a stack lying on his desk flipping through it mindlessly.

"He doesn't even need it." My mom gave me a look. "He just signed on for the Rock's new movie, he's going to be in Vancouver for months."

"The Rock?" My interest perked. I didn't get star struck very often. But Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was someone I knew I'd fangirl hard over if I ever had the chance to meet.

My mom nodded. "He met him yesterday." She smiled at me teasingly.

"Oh come on. Dad gets to meet all the cool people." I crossed my arms with a pout.

"Says the girl who's been spending an awful lot of time with Captain America." My dad pushed open the office door.

"Dad!" I scolded him, "Where'd you even come from?"

"I've been here. Sorry I didn't take you along to meet the Rock. Maybe you can come visit us on set. If you're not to busy with Cap." He laughed.

"Mom." I turned to her, "What's he talking about? How do you even know..." I stopped before I told on myself any further.

"It's a small world, the entertainment industry." My dad shrugged.

"Not really. And that frightens me. Who said something to you?"

"One of the stunt doubles that was on the avengers set is working on this new movie. He asked if I knew if my daughter had been seen in Disneyland with Chris Evans."

"I didn't think anyone saw us in Disney." I frowned.

My dad rolled his eyes. "You must know better than that."

"Well we're just friends anyway." I said defensively.

"Sure." My dad nodded exchanging a grin with my mom.

"We are!" I exclaimed. But my dad just laughed not believing a word I said.

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