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I peeled my frayed jean shorts from my waist kicking them off gently where they landed on the oversized beach towel laid out across the hot sand. I could feel someone watching me and I peered around the nearly empty beach. My eyes stopping on Chris as I caught him checking me out. Red flushed up my neck and over my cheeks.
"Eye problem Evans?" I called him out.
He pursed his lips looking like a duck with a shake of his head.
"Nope." His eyes shifted out to the horizon. "Just enjoying the view."

I opened my folding beach chair pushing it as far back as it would recline before plopping down into it. I adjusted my baseball hat and closed my eyes.

"This is boring." Chris whined a moment later.

I opened one eye looking at him sitting in the matching beach chair opposite mine. His board trunks so low on his waist his hip bones were fully visible. Having no shirt on gave me a nice view of his perfectly sculpted arms and chest. And of course, his signature baseball hat pulled down over his brows yet he still squinted from the sun.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize you expected me to entertain you." I shut my eye.

"I thought we were gonna surf. Or play volleyball. Or play in the water." He dug his heels in the sand.

"Play in the water?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"Yeah." A smile spread across his face.

"Whatever you're thinking. No." I shook my head.

"Too late!" He jumped up grabbing my hand he pulled me up with him. In one swift move he threw me over his shoulder and ran to the water. I quickly pulled my baseball hat off tossing it towards our chairs so it wouldn't get wet.

"Chris!!!!" I shrieked. The water wasn't cold but it wasn't bath water either. I squirmed trying to escape his grasp, saltwater splashing me in my face. With a laugh he dropped me in the water.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I stumbled to stand up but than wasted no time swiping my hand through the water towards him successfully soaking him.

"Aw come on. That's all you got?" He teased splashing me back.

I narrowed my eyes before jumping on his shoulders trying with all my might to push him down.

Throwing his head back with a loud laugh he allowed himself to fall backwards into the ocean me going down with him.

Coming up for water I was laughing too. "My hair is going to be a tangled mess." I groaned.

"I think you're beautiful." He said sincerely.

"If you weren't such a flirt I might believe you." I wiped the water from my face.

"You should believe me." He waded through the water towards me. The water was up to our waists making it difficult to move quickly.

I turned to swim back to the shore, but his leg hooked mine pulling me back under. I could hear him laughing before I even resurfaced.

After spending all morning and half the afternoon at the beach we finally headed back to his car, both starving.

Chris stopped to get gas and I ran inside to get us some cold drinks.

"We should go to Disneyland tonight." Chris shook the gas hose before removing it from the tank and hanging it back up.

"You want to go to Disneyland tonight?" I climbed in the front seat.

A second later he slid into the drivers seat next to me. "Yeah I haven't been in a while. It would be fun." He took his bottle of Gatorade from my hand.

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