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My day at the salon kept me extremely busy. I didn't have time to think about what happened that morning nor check my phone until after 1:00. I sat down in the back break room finally pulling my phone out.

A couple text messages but only one that stood out.

Chris 'Hope you have a great day beautiful'.

I didn't know how to respond so I sat staring at my phone until my co-worker Elena walked in. "Earth to Harper." My head snapped up to see her standing in front of me.

"Huh? Oh hey Elena, what's up?" I shook my head.

"Your 1:30 is here. You ok?" She hesitated.

"Yeah." I stood up shoving my phone back into my bag. "I had a long day yesterday."

As soon as I was done with my 1:30 appointment I left to run home to get what I needed for the bride for the wedding that evening. I still hadn't responded to Chris but had called Casey in the car.

"HE KISSED YOU?!" Casey screeched.

"Yes but I don't think he really was awake. It didn't mean anything."

"Girl I love you but you can be really oblivious. Seriously when are you going to wake up? He's crazy about you."

"We are friends Case. That's it. It wouldn't work."

"How do you know? You haven't dated anyone in months."

"I just don't know how to respond to the text." I replied pretending like I didn't hear what she said about not dating in months. I know I haven't dated in months! "I think I'm just going to ignore it."

"You can't ignore it Harp."

"I can. He's leaving for Boston in a week for who knows how long. I'm not doing another long-distance relationship especially with an actor. Besides who even said he wants to date me? He's used to dating actresses. Not girls like me."

"I think you're wrong." Casey sighed, "But Fine."

"I have to go. I'm pulling into my house and literally have enough time to grab my makeup bag."

"Love you bye."

I hung up with Casey and my phone immediately rang again. This time it was Chris. I thought about ignoring him but opted against it.

"Hey." I answered as I climbed out of the car.

"Hey! Is this a bad time? I couldn't remember what time you said you worked until."

"No I'm off. I'm just about to run into my house before I go to the wedding."

"What time do you think you'll be home?"

"Ummm." I stuttered. "Maybe 6:30?"

"Do you want to grab something to eat?" He asked.

"Tonight?" What was happening?

"Yeah. Or we could get takeout." He suggested.

"Maybe a rain check. I'm really tired. Between yesterday and today. I didn't get to sleep in today like someone else." I tried to laugh.

"Yeah. Thanks for that though. Letting me crash at your place."

"Anytime.....so raincheck?"

"Yeah. I have a script I should be reading anyway. I'll talk to you later Harp."

"Ok. Bye Chris." I said softly.

I frowned as I went in my house grabbing my makeup kit. I really wanted to see Chris. Which is exactly why I told him no. I wasn't going to even entertain the idea that something would ever happen between myself and Chris.

Even if he wanted to date me, I had already done a long-distance relationship. I met my ex Josh at a Dodgers game. We hit it off instantly and then he told me he was in the air-force and just home visiting. I really, really liked him and we decided to try to do the long-distance thing. Which lasted 8 months. I saw him twice in those 8 months and I finally just had to end it. We got to know each other pretty well regardless of spending practically no time together thanks to FaceTime and email. But it was just to hard. That was 3 months ago. Chris had only been in town this time for a month or so. I knew he'd be going back to Boston soon. That's where his home is, and Dodger was there. He never went that long without Dodger.

Pushing all thoughts of Chris to the back of my mind I headed to the wedding venue. I didn't know the bride Kelsey very well. She had attended a previous wedding where I had done the hair and makeup for the bride and got in contact with me that way.

I smiled as I walked into the brides room. It was a small wedding, only 2 bridesmaids.

"Harper!" Kelsey grinned happily as I walked in. "I'm so excited you're here!!"

"Me too!" I smiled. I got everything set up listening to Kelsey talk about how thrilled she was to get married.

Taking my time carefully curling Kelsey's long blonde hair I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. I wanted the kind of relationship Kelsey had. Something that I would never have with Chris. Why I was even thinking about him I didn't know.

Once Kelsey's hair and makeup were done I started packing up all my tools ready to head home. Finally.

"Harper, why don't you stay for the ceremony?" Kelsey asked.

"Oh no I can't." I looked down at my black ripped jeans, ballet flats and layered black and gray tank tops.
"Yes you can! You can grab a seat in the back. I really would love for you to stay." She pleaded sticking her lower lip out.

"Ok, ok." I laughed, "I'll stay."

"Yay!" She clapped her hands together.

I stayed in the brides' room until the very last moment only finally grabbing a seat in the back row of the folded chairs in the garden where the outdoor ceremony was taking place. Even though I was holding back yawns and my eyes were burning from my contacts I was glad I stayed. The wedding was beautiful but I snuck out as soon as it was over.

I got home after 7:00 and heated up some food from my dinner party the other night. I kept looking at my phone hoping Chris would call. Even though I had blown him off and part of me didn't want him to call, another bigger part of me was dying to see him. Dying to see what that kiss had actually meant to him. But he didn't call and I laid in bed watching 'The Hills' reruns until I fell asleep.


I re-read the same line for the 4th time in the script I was attempting to read. With a frustrated sigh I tossed the script across the couch. I looked at my watch. It was only 7:00. Harper was probably home. I could just go over to her house. But she had made it pretty clear she didn't want to hang out tonight. I knew I had freaked her out when I kissed her. Honestly, I was surprised I was able to go as long as I had without kissing her. I've never been completely content with being just friends with her. But she was dating someone or I was dating someone. Timing was never good. But the last few months when I've been in Los Angeles I've tried to make it obvious I want something more. Granted I'm not just coming out and saying it. Truth is I'm terrified of loosing her. And while I 100% want something more than friendship with her, if that's all I can get, I'm taking it. Apparently though, she's not interested in me. I thought the kiss would push us forward not backwards. I groaned leaning over to pick the script back up where I went back to re-reading the same line over and over again.

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