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I sat down at my vanity and grabbed a makeup remover wipe. I slowly scrubbed my eyes till they were free from makeup as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I had raced out of Casey's house to get away from Chris. Thankfully I had rode with Riley to Casey's and she had followed me out without any questions.

I had just wanted to get home but once I got there, I felt sad. The house was to quiet. I missed Oliver. I hadn't tried to call him; he hadn't contacted me either. I grabbed my phone and my heart wrenched at the photo of us that was still my lock screen. His adorable smile and his strong arms wrapped tightly around me. I pulled up his name in my call log and hit send. It rang a few times before going to voicemail.

"Hey Oliver....it's me Harper. Obviously. I just....I'm sorry for how things ended." My voice broke. "I hope you got to London ok. Ok....Bye." I quickly hung up before the sound of my tears were more evident. Taking my thumb I swiped at my phone, entering settings. My thumb hesitated hovering over change wallpaper, but I hit the button and changed it from me and Oliver to one of me and Casey. I clicked the light to my vanity off and climbed into bed. It wasn't that late but I was exhausted and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

A knocking, no a banging, on my door woke me up and I sat up startled. I fumbled for my phone and looked at the time 11:30. Who would be at my door this late?

I tiptoed down the hall to the front door and peered out the peephole. Chris.

I pulled the door open, "What are you doing here?" I rubbed my eyes sleepily.

"I fly out to Atlanta tomorrow. I couldn't leave without seeing you." His voice sounded desperate.

"What?" I rubbed my eyes harder. This must be a dream.

"I'm going to be gone for 6 weeks or longer. I might get a chance to come back before then, but I don't know for sure."

"You're leaving." I said coming out of the fog from my sleep.

Chris nodded. "I would have said something earlier but you ran out."

"Thanks for telling me." I stared at him.

"Can I come in?" He finally asked.

"I don't think it's a good idea. Chris, I know I told you I have feelings for you, and I do. But I just broke up with Oliver. And now you're leaving? I need some time to process everything."

"Why are you so scared to be with me Harper?" He asked putting it all out there.

"I'm not scared." I mumbled casting my eyes down.

"We both know that's not true. You used Oliver as an excuse."

"I cared about Oliver." My head snapped up defensively.

"Yeah but were you in love with him?"

I was quiet. I knew the answer. Chris knew the answer too.

"I'm going to kiss you. This is the last time. I would keep fighting for you, but there's only so much rejection I can take." He took a step towards me. I flinched back and he raised an eyebrow but I didn't stop him.

He took his hand cupping my face he drew me closer to him. His eyes locked on mine he lowered his mouth to mine. His lips were soft and he moved slowly. I felt the fire in the pit of my stomach. I stopped overthinking it as I reached up and grasped his t shirt in my hands. I pulled him closer to me and he stumbled forward.

What the hell, I thought to myself. I moved my hands down greedily tugging at the hem of his shirt. He chuckled against my mouth and shut the door behind him.

"Slow down." He pulled back but clasped his hands tightly around my waist so I couldn't move.

"Slow down?" I repeated.

"I want you. Bad." His eyes grew wide, "But you just said you need to process your breakup and finally admitting you want me." He gave me a teasing grin, "I'm also leaving in about 8 hours. But as far as me and you? I'm not going anywhere. I will wait for you, I will chase you, I will fight for you as long as I know you feel the same way."

I stared into his deep blue eyes. "I do."

"You do?" He looked unsure.

I nodded, "I don't want to fight this anymore. So whatever happens between us just...bring it."

"Really? Me and you?"

I nodded with a laugh. "Yes. Now please shut up and kiss me again."

Chris stayed until he had to leave to go home to go straight to the airport. We laid on my couch talking all night. Well talking and making out. When I finally walked him to the door he gave me a lingering kiss goodbye.

"I hate that I have to leave to film." He pulled me against his chest tightly.

"Me too."

"If I get a chance I'll come home."

"Ok." I agreed.

"You're not giving up on me right?" He pulled back to look at me.

I shook my head no.

"Say it. I want to hear you say it."

"I'm not going to give up on you."

"You'll wait for me to get back?"

"I'll wait." I smiled.

"I know you're thinking I'm being crazy but I've waited so long for this."

My heart swelled at his words. "I can't believe you waited for me."

"I told you I would and that I would fight for you. I'm kind of in love with you Harper."

"You are?" I whispered.

"Yeah." He nodded. "Ok I've got to go, or I'll never leave." He kissed me quickly one more time. "I'll call you when I land."

"OK." I replied sadly. "Bye." I squeezed him tightly before he turned hoping down the front steps into the night.

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