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"You're in a really good mood." Casey observed. "I thought with Chris gone you'd be.....less happy."

I turned grinning at her as I navigated my car back to my house. "I definitely miss him, but we facetime a lot. Plus he's coming here for a couple days before Thanksgiving instead of just going to Boston. So I'll see him in 4 days."

"You won't be spending thanksgiving together?"

"No, he'll be in Boston, and we always go to Napa. He didn't invite me. It's probably a little soon."

Chris would be home from Atlanta in 4 days which was the Sunday before Thanksgiving. He would be in LA till Wednesday and then he was flying back to Boston. I was sad but understood. I'd be in Napa with my family anyway. Like I had told Casey we had facetimed every day but I was counting down till he was back in person.

When Sunday finally arrived, I anxiously waited to hear from Chris. He said he would come straight to my place from the airport. His plane was landing at 2:00 so I didn't expect him until 4 or later with traffic. Needless to say when someone knocked at my door at 12:30 I was confused. I pulled open the door and my heart leapt. Chris stood in front of me with a huge grin.

"You're early!" I croaked. Hot tears stung my eyes, I was so happy to see him.

"I wanted to surprise you." He wrinkled his nose.

I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his neck squeezing him tightly. "I can't believe you're finally here." I whispered.

"Me either. But I really gotta pee so can I come in?"

I giggled and let go of him, "Of course come on." I held open the door allowing him to come in.

"So this was a good surprise?" He asked moments later emerging from the hall bathroom.

"The best!" I smiled.

"Come here." He said his voice getting a little deeper. He outstretched his arm slipping it around my waist he pulled me against him.

No longer able to wait another moment I tilted my head up to kiss him. His mouth met mine and he kissed me hungrily. His hands slipped under my oversized t-shirt and I moaned at the sensation of his hands on my bare skin.

I grasped at his t-shirt and hoisted it up over his head. He hesitated for a moment watching me, silently asking  if I was sure. In response I took my own shirt and pulled it off.

He swallowed as his eyes roamed over my nearly naked body.

"Harp...." He pulled his lower lip in between his teeth still looking unsure.

"Don't. I want this." I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward my bedroom.

Falling back onto my bed I propped myself up on my elbows. Chris climbed on the bed and crawled towards me. Taking his time he paused to kiss my stomach and I shivered. He looked up at me with a lopsided grin. Continuing to kiss his way up my stomach and chest I ran my fingers through his dark hair. When his mouth finally reached mine I kissed him deeply before reaching down and helping him push his basketball shorts down to his ankles. His mouth returned to mine for a lingering kiss as he worked his fingers under the elastic of my sweat shorts and underwear and with a swift tug pulled them down. He stopped, his blue eyes staring intensely at mine.

"I love you." He said watching me carefully.

I smiled brushing my lips against his.

"You don't have to say it back." He said against my mouth.

"Chris." I pulled back to look at him. "Of course I'm in love with you. Are you kidding?"

His face broke out into a huge smile. His hand ran up my thigh and around to my back. He leaned me back gently as his lips grazed my neck. He turned nuzzling his nose into my hair and inhaled deeply. "You're it for me Harper."

I froze at his words. My mind started to spin. How was it possible he felt this way about ME?

"You ok?" Chris mumbled against my neck.

I nodded. He turned his head, lifting his mouth up to mine. I pushed every thought out of my head and focused on Chris and this moment.

His eyes locked on mine, his mouth tilted up into a loving smile.  He gently slid into me and I buried my face into his neck with a moan. Taking his time he moved in and out before I took control moving out from underneath him, pushing him to his back I straddled him. With a roll of my hips I picked up the pace.

"Harp." His breathing staggered. "Not yet." He flipped me back over onto my back before slamming into me. When I finally reached that high immediately followed by him I panted trying to catch my breath.

"Are you ok?" He asked as he rested his head on my chest.

"Yes. Better than ok." I managed to say.

He chuckled against me. "Good. That was worth the wait."

I ran my fingers through his hair. "You love me?" I asked.

 He shifted so he could look up at me. "I do."

"Good. I love you too."

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