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A/N: Happy New Years! This chapter is more of a filler moving things along. It's not long either. But I hope you enjoy it none the less. And I hope everyone has  a safe and happy NYE! Thank you for reading, voting, commenting, following!

"Harper do you remember Tawny? She was the hair and makeup artist in Canada a couple months ago?" My dad asked. It was the end of January and I had ended up at my mom and dad's for dinner one evening. Chris was still held up in Atlanta. He was supposed to leave for Boston in the next few days. I unfortunately was unable to meet him.

"Yeah, she was fantastic." I took a bite of mashed potatoes.

"She reached out to me asking about you. She was really impressed with what you could do and wants you send her a portfolio."

"She does?" I paused mid-bite, "Why?"

"I guess she wants to know if you'd be interested in some work on some sets." My dad eyed me.

"Really?" I set my fork down. "I've never even considered anything but the salon." I admitted.

"Sounds like an amazing experience." My mom chimed in.

"But wouldn't I be on the road a lot?" I wondered. "I mean I wouldn't be based in LA."

"No probably not. Occasionally I suppose. A lot like my line of work." My dad took a sip of his beer.

"I'll get some pictures together." I decided. "Can't hurt." I shrugged.

That night as I climbed into bed my phone buzzed with an incoming facetime request.

"Hey baby." I smiled as I accepted the call from Chris.

"Hey!" He grinned at me. A dark beanie was pulled down low to his eyes and his cheeks and nose were bright red.

"Where are you?" I frowned.

"Boston. Just got here about an hour ago."

"Oh. I thought you weren't going for another few days."

"Got done early and jumped on the first flight I could. I hate that you aren't here."

"Me too. Actually I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Moving to Boston?" He grinned.

"No." What? I never even mentioned or entertained that idea. I shook my head. "A makeup artist who works on a lot of my dads movies asked me to send her a portfolio."

"So that means what? You'd be on movie sets?" He walked into his house and pulled the beanie from his head. The background illuminated his features as he flipped the lights on.

"Maybe. I'm not sure. I haven't thought of anything outside of the salon and weddings."

"I think that'd be great babe. You'd be perfect for it. You're really talented. I'd hire you as my personal hair stylist if you'd allow me."

I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't be in LA though. It would be harder to see each other maybe."

"Nah, we'd make it work."

"When am I going to see you?" I wanted to know.

"I'll be in Boston for a few weeks. I'm working on a project here." He frowned. "Fly out to see me."

"I can't. I told you the salon has been crazy and I booked 2 weddings."

"Come for Valentines Day."

"I can't. That's when one of the weddings is. Come here for Valentines Day."

"I'm not sure what my schedule will be." He admitted with a frown.

"But we'll make it work." I said flatly.

"Don't do that." He warned. "I'll get to you as soon as I can."

"Right." I sighed.

"C'mom Harper. I'm trying here."

"And I'm not? I just don't see the point if we can never spend more than 2 weeks together at a time."

"The point is that I love you.  I wish you could come stay with me in Boston-"

"Stop right there. I'm not going to give up my life to follow you around."

"What?" He stared at me. "I never said that. I'm sorry if you think that's what I implied."

"I'm tired and over thinking things. Can we talk tomorrow?" I pulled the blankets up to my chin.

"Yeah of course." He said softly.

"Love you." I said.

"Love you." He echoed as I ended the call.

"Harper!" Tawny greeted me with a hug as I stepped inside the hair and makeup trailer on the set she was currently working on.  I had sent her my portfolio and she had called me immediately. She was working in San Fransisco and wanted to know if I could come up for a day.

"Hey." I smiled. "Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of this."

"Are you kidding? When I saw that little bit of work you did last year with Oliver I wanted to get you on my team."

I smiled, "Well thank you."

"We've got some extras coming in for some basic makeup. Most big name actors aren't on set today. Maybe one or two but they're already done with hair and makeup." She explained.

"Ok." I looked around the trailer at the counters filled with set makeup and hair care supplies. I suddenly was very very excited.

I had made plans to spend the night in San Fransisco and fly back home the next evening. As I got into my hotel I was tired but dying to tell someone about my day.

I called Chris as I kicked my shoes off and started the jacuzzi tub in the bathroom.

"Hey." He answered.

"Hey! I just had the best day." I dumped some bath salts in the filling tub.

"That's great."

"Don't you want to hear why?"

"Of course. I'm just not alone at the moment."

"Oh." I frowned. "Ok well give me a call when you can talk."

"Ok babe. Love you bye." he hung up before I could respond.

I gave a defeated sigh and tossed my phone on the bed.

I waited for Chris to call me back but ended up falling asleep before he did.

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