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Any chance I had an extra moment at work that day I was trying to find out anything I could on Lia. Which was difficult because I wasn't even sure of her last name. I couldn't find anything on any social media accounts. I didn't want to ask Scott what her last name was, the last thing I wanted was for it to get back to Chris that I was asking or that I even care. Because I totally do not.

My last appointment rescheduled and so I sat in my salon chair talking to Elena while she cleaned up her station. I casually asked Elena if she knew any Lia's. Because Los Angeles is such a small town. Ha ha. But someone must know her. She's not famous and she had said she knew Chris from a friend of a friend. I knew most of Chris's LA friends.

"I know no Lia's, sorry chick." Elena continued to wipe down her station.

"Hhhhmmm." I took my foot pushing it against the floor sending my chair spinning in a circle like a 5 year old would do.

"Why do you ask?" Elena wanted to know.

I bit my lip, "Chris is dating her."

"What? Since when?" Elena perked up at this new information.

"I don't know. Scott texted me this morning. Said he wanted me to hear from someone that cared about me as opposed to E news." I rolled my eyes.

"That was nice."

"Sure." I kept spinning in my chair.

I heard the door chime as someone entered the salon and Anna, the receptionist at the front desk, greeted the guest.

"Uh I'm looking for Harper?" I heard Oliver say. I smiled and jumped up from my chair.

Elena looked at me, "That's Oliver?" She mouthed. She had seen pictures but had yet to meet him.

I nodded.

"Harper you have company." Anna called to me in a sing-song voice.

"Hi." I grinned as I walked to the front of the salon.

"Hey." He smiled back running a hand through his dark hair shyly.

"Is this Oliver?" Elena smiled mischievously.

"Yes, it is."

"You're right Harp, he is much more delicious in person."

I rolled my eyes at Elena as Oliver blushed. "What's going on?" I asked.

"I thought you were about to get off."

"She is." Elena answered for me.

"I brought our surfboards. Thought we could go surf?" He looked at me questioningly.

"Yes!" I nodded my head.
"I brought your wetsuit too and bathing suit." He added.

"Isn't it too cold to surf?" Elena wondered out loud.

"Almost. Not yet though." I turned to Oliver, "Let me grab my stuff and we can go."

We surfed for a couple hours before I as always had to call it quits because I was hungry.

"How's your rib?" I asked as we walked back to his car.

"Eh it's fine." He shrugged shifting the surfboard in his arm.

"I thought maybe I re-injured it last night." I gave him a grin.

"You know I gotta say I'm surprised you didn't." He winked at me.

I was so cold I was chattering by the time we reached his car. I stripped out of my wetsuit and grabbed one of his jackets from the back seat.

"Do you want to go out to eat?" He asked as shifted gears maneuvering the car from its parking spot.

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