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After emptying everything that was in my stomach I splashed my face with cold water and and then rinsed my mouth. Being it was the spare bathroom there was no toothpaste or mouth wash. I frowned opening the bathroom door running into someone in the process.

"Whoa Harp, you look like shit you ok?" Brooks grabbed a hold of my arms to steady me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied, "What time is it?"

He pulled his phone from his pocket, "11:22."

"That's it?" I groaned. At this point I just wanted to go home.

"What's wrong?" Brooks eyed me.

"I got sick." I admitted.

"Oh." He frowned, "Come on let's go get a coke for you to sip on." He put his arm around me and guided me towards the kitchen. I stopped short in the living room. Chris was on the couch with a group of people. The girl next to him a little to close for my comfort.

"He's the sweetest isn't he?" The girl, who I vaguely remembered name was Madison, reached up holding Chris's face in her hands and gently shook it back and forth.

I walked towards the couch and stared at Chris and Madison. "Harper!" Madison grinned, "I was just saying how nice your boyfriend is.  You're a lucky girl." Her hand dropped to Chris's thigh where she gave him a squeeze.

Chris shifted uncomfortably.

"He is. The nicest." My eyes bore into him until he looked up at me.

Brooks noticing the tension steered me back towards the kitchen, "Let's get you that drink."

To weak to put up a fight I agreed and followed Brooks to the kitchen counter where he poured me a coke.

"Sip it slowly." He instructed.

I had to laugh at his protective demeanor.

"What?" He tried to give me a dirty look but his smile took over.

"Nothing." I sipped the coke. "The girl who ends up with you is very lucky."

"It could be you." He wiggled his eyebrows and took a step closer to me. I threw my head back with a laugh.

"Thank you." I took another sip of my coke.

"Hey." He shrugged, "The offer stands."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Hey." Chris came up behind me wrapping his arms around my chest he pulled me back against him. "You want to go home?" He whispered in my ear.

I nodded, his 5:00 shadow scratching my cheek.

"Ok I'll call an uber."

"I need to go find Casey." I slipped free from his embrace and searched for Casey.

I found her out back on the deck talking with a group of people.

"Hey." I walked up and gently pulled her to the side, "We're going to go."

"What? No! What's wrong?" She took my hands in hers.

"I got sick. I think I drank to much too fast." I winced.

"What's that?" She looked down at my coke.

"A coke. Your brother got it for me."

Casey rolled her eyes, "Of course he did. Are you sure you don't want to just lay down for a little bit? I don't want you to leave."

"Yeah I'm sure. Plus...." I lowered my voice, "Riley came with Oliver. I think they're together."

"What?!" Casey's jaw dropped. "Why didn't you start with this?!"

"You'd find out soon enough." I pointed out.

"Are you ok?" Her eyes searched mine.

"Yeah, I mean I think so. I'm too drunk to know."

"Do you need me to call you an uber?"

"Nah Chris is on it. I'll call you tomorrow ok?"

"Alright." She agreed reluctantly, "Feel better. " She pulled me into a hug.

"I'll try. Love you."

"Love you."

I found Chris by the front door, "Ready?" He asked.

I nodded and followed him out front to wait for our ride.

It was quiet in the Uber till we pulled up at my house. My mom and dad had kept Teddy over night since we weren't sure what time we would be home.

We walked in and I threw my keys on the counter. All I wanted was to brush my teeth and get out of the clothes I was currently in. Opting to brush my teeth first I walked to my en-suite. While brushing my teeth I stripped my leggins off followed by my sweater. Standing in front of the sink in only my bra and underwear I finished brushing my teeth. I then noticed Chris standing in the bathroom door his eyes on me.

"Come here." He said softly. He reached out pulling me to him. I melted against him.

"I'm sorry." I murmured against his chest.

"For what? I acted like an ass. A jealous ass." His large hands ran up and down my bare back giving me chills.

Taking his fingers he unhooked my bra. His lips brushing against my temple. "I'm sorry you got sick."

He pushed me back just enough for my bra to slip off and fall down to the ground.

"It's ok." I ran my fingers through his hair as he bent down palming my breasts in his hands before taking my nipple into his mouth.

I swallowed.

"And I made you miss midnight." He paused before moving to my other breast.

"You didn't." I shook my head.

"Are you feeling better?" He looked up at me.

I nodded slowly.

"Good." He stood back up and took my hand in his leading me to the bed.

He stopped at the foot of it and turned to pick me up and sit me down on it.

His hands splayed across my thighs he slowly moved up to my underwear hooking his fingers into the elastic strap against my hip and achingly slow pulled them down.

I sat up. To move the process along I started to undo his belt but he stopped me.  He quickly undid his belt himself and let his pants drop to the floor followed by his boxers. Stepping out of them he pulled his shirt up over his head.  He crawled on the bed towards me and I scooted back.

"Are you sure you're ok?" His voice was rough.

"I'm ok." I assured him.

He gently kissed me as he pushed into me slowly. I groaned against his neck. Every time was better then the last.

"Happy New Years Baby." He whispered.

Crushed (Chris Evans Fan-Fic)✅Where stories live. Discover now