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Friday morning was spent being lazy lying around in bed until we were both starving. And because Chris still didn't have food in his home besides leftovers we got dressed and drove over to his mom's house for breakfast. We spent the rest of the day at her house with Chris's immediate family. When Saturday came and it was time to fly to Napa I was sad to go. Lisa expressed the same as she drove us to the airport.

"Have a safe flight." She hugged Chris tightly, "Take care of this girl." She added as she released him.

"I will Ma." He gave her a smile.

"I'm serious Christopher. Do not let this one go." She touched his cheek lovingly before turning to me. "It was such a pleasure meeting you and having you join us this year. I hope to see you soon." She pulled me into a hug.

"Yes ma'am. I hope so too. Thank you so much for your hospitality." I smiled.

"Ok go go before I start blubbering." She wiped a tear from her eye. "Have fun in Napa."

"We will. Love you Ma."

"Love you." She reached out squeezing his hand.

An hour later we were in the sky heading back to the West Coast.

Chris tugged the ear bud from my ear. "Should I be nervous to meet your family?"

"No." I smiled. "Well they are loud and there's a lot of them. But they're harmless."

"This is your moms side of the family?"

"Yes. My Nan and Pop's. The rest of her family mostly lives there as well. Some will be flying in from other places."

Chris nodded. "Who's picking us up?"

"Dad I think. It's about an hour drive from Oakland."

"Cool." Chris nodded.

"You're nervous." I realized with a smile.

"No I'm not." He lied.

I gave him a look.

"Ok I am. I have anxiety. I don't like new places."

"It's going to be fine. You know my parents. And you know Riley. Besides probably half my family will have left already." I laced my fingers through his.

When the flight landed my dad was there to pick us up from the airport. The ride to my Nan and Pop's was smooth and Chris and my dad have so much in common I didn't get a word in during any conversation.

My grandparents home is in a quaint little neighborhood. I love every chance I get to visit them. They know all their neighbors. They have block parties every 4th of July. All holidays there are magical and I couldn't wait to share it with Chris. Most of my out of town family was actually still there. As I had told Chris most of them lived in Napa but some were visiting and everyone just ended back up at Nan and Pop's house.

"Ah there they are!" Pop grinned from his recliner as we walked through the front door. The overwhelming aroma of homemade cooking immediately took over my senses.

"Pop!" I dropped my bags at the door. Making my way over to his chair I dropped down next to him. "How are you?"

"Sound as a bell. How's my girl?"

"I'm good." I grinned.

"Denver!" My Nan called from the kitchen. "Is that Shawn and the kids? Send them in here please."

Pop rolled his eyes leaning up he pushed the recliner shut with his legs, "That woman could drive a preacher to drink." He teased.

I laughed giving him a hug as he stood.

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