Smile to the Camera! Final Time

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Creator: Enjoy!
"Nomi, come down stairs with Daiichi will ya?" Randy asked.

Nomi and Daiichi came downstairs with a questioning look.

"What about, Randy?" Nomi asked carrying Daiichi.

"Yeah, Daddy. What about?" Daiichi asked.

"Well, its been a couple of years since we've been together, I thought that we can take a family photo together." Randy explained.

"Randy, that's thoughtful of you but I don't think a family photo is necessary. Memories always keep inside ourselves." Nomi said.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I don't I wanted a family photo. I'm so sorry." Daiichi said while walking up the stairs.

"Besides, Randy. We have many photo of all of is together. Even with the others. Its better to let it slide. "Not everything has to be an object for remembering." Nomi said while walking up stairs.

Randy sat down and picked up an album. The album looks old but still strong. He opened it and it was full of pictures of them together. Birthdays, holidays and even training. He smiled before closing the photo. Then a frown hits in.

The truth is, he wanted a family photo because, he was diagnosed with a rare sickness. He may look normal at the outside but still feel pain in the insides. The doctors said there's no cure and Yuuki told him that he may had a 50-50 percent chances of living. Randy wanted to make it as the final picture together before his death.

He put on the camera on record and recorded his true feelings before closing it and put in between the album.

"I'm sorry, everyone." Was the last words before he fell down and no pulse. He was gone.

The next day...

Nomi woke up and Randy wasn't even there. He got up and went to Daiichi's bedroom. But Daiichi was waking up. Feeling strange, he went down and was shock.

Randy, on the floor, with no pulse or heartbeat. Nomi quickly went to him and called Daiichi. Daiichi went down and was crying. They couldn't do anything.

Then, they saw a recording tape in between the album. Nomi picked it up and was curios to know what it was. He played the tape in the tape player and was crying with Daiichi. Here's the tape said.

"Dear Nomi and my child, Daiichi. I wanted to tell you something that might shock you. I had a rare disease. The doctors don't have the cure and Yuuki said I had a 50-50 percent chance on living. So, it was actually the reason why I wanted to have another family photo, for the final time. Nomi, you said that not everything has to be an object for remembering, but I hope this will make you. Daiichi, please use the scarf I made to keep you safe. I love you, and I'll make sure that I'll be with you. I'm sorry for everything that I've done. Even the littlest thing. Goodbye."

Nomi cried with Daiichi. Randy left them. If only he was an immortal, he can live with Nomi and Daiichi. Daiichi was born immortal, but Randy is a mortal.

After a few days, Nomi and Daiichi kept visiting Randy's grave and place some pictures and flowers as a remember. His best friend Howard, only came if he could. Not really often.

Nomi took out his bamboo stick and turn it into a flute. He blew the flute and music came around him and Daiichi.

"We'll see you soon, Randy."

They both left the graveyard and only feel the presence of Randy loving and protecting them.
Creator: I really want to cry at this point. Why did I did this?! Enjoy not! *crying*

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