Switch Miraculous AU

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B.M: If Adrien and Marinette switched miraculous, why not do the same? Enjoy! (They don't know each other's identity in this one.)
Randy woke up in the morning, feeling more energetic than usual. He looks over to his side where Tikki was sleeping peacefully. How cute. He got up and and got ready for the day. He and his friends are going to have some fun doing designing, photos, and more.

"Tikki, wake up, we need to go now." Randy said gently. Tikki got up and smiled at her kind master.

"Good morning, Randy! What are you doing today?" She asked as Randy packed his stuff in a bag.

"I'll be doing some fun things with my friends. Here, I've got some cookies. Eat up." Tikki grabbed the cookie and ate it. Randy chuckled at the red with black spots kwami before telling her to hide in his hoodie. He went downstairs and saw his mother.

"Morning, mom. How's the bakery?" He asked. His mother smiled.

"It's doing fine, sweety. Now go before you'll be late for your friends. And here's some breakfast." There was a muffin, cookies and macaroons.

"Thanks mom. I'll take the sweets for snacking. Bye, mom!" He kissed his mother's cheek and left the building. He rushed towards the park and saw his friends waiting for him.

"Hey, Cunningham! Hurry up!" Howard said. Theresa, Debbie and Steven were there too.

"Hey guys. What did I miss?" He asked.

"Oh nothing much. Ready for the funsies?" Theresa asked. Everyone said.


They all did so many things. Taking photos, doing some records, sketching, and even sing few songs. Randy was smiling when he was bumped by someone.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there." Randy said as he turn around. And he was surprised.

It was Nomi Norisu.

Nomi smiled at the young boy. How adorable is he. He is such a great friend when they first met. Nomi was lost at the time and Randy helped him out getting used to the school.

"Hey Randy. What are you doing here?" Nomi asked. Randy blushed before he said something.

"I was with my friends and uh... Yeah what about you? Wait, don't you have some photoshoots to do?" Randy asked. Nomi was surprised.

"How did you know I had photoshoot today?" Randy stunned and stammered.

"Oh well um. I uh..."

"*Chuckled* is okay. I was just taking a break. Oh I have to go now. Say hi to the others for me. See you soon, Randy." And with that, Nomi left. Randy was lovestruck by the situation, he didn't realized that Howard was calling him for about more 20 times.

"Cunningham! Out of your lala land!" He said. Randy got surprised and frowned.

"Howard,..." He said. Howard chuckled and was about to say something until there was a bang happen nearby the park. Everyone was rushing out to get to safety. Randy was running away from the scene so he can transform but was bumped again by Nomi.

"Randy. Let's go this isn't safe for you!" He grabbed Randy's arm and rushed him towards safety. They got squeezed by so many people, their miraculous dropped. Randy realized this and tried to find the earrings but only found the cat miraculous, the ring. He puts it on and Plagg came towards him.

"Wait, your not my master." Plagg said.

"No. But I am supposed to be Bug Kid. We don't have time to talk more. Plagg, Claws Out!" Randy said, and transformed into a cat suit, complete with cat ears and belt as a tail. He had some sort of cloak that wrapped his shoulders, just his shoulders.

He jumped towards the scene and started to get use to the new abilities. Nomi saw this from afar, surprised that his boy managed to use his powers perfectly. He saw Tikki and called her over.

"Are you Bug Kid's kwami?" He asked. Tikki nod.

"You must be Plagg's miraculous holder. I'm Tikki, nice to meet you. Put these earrings on and say, Tikki, spots on!" She explained. Nomi nod as he took the earrings and placed it in his ears.

"Tikki, Spots On!" He said and transformed. He got a ladybug patterned suit with a cloak similar like Nomicon's and his hair was tied with a ribbon. He jumped towards the scene with a surprising look.

"I could get use to this." He said. The Cat Holder Miraculous looks at him and smiled.

"Well well well, looks like we've switched miraculous. But we can't change now! What's your super hero name, I'm Kitty Cat!" Kitty Cat said as he jumped at the akumatized victim and attacked.

"I'm Tentouchu. Let's do this!" They attacked, defend at the akumatized victim but no luck. They his behind a building nearby.

"Tentouchu, time to use your lucky charm, now!" Kitty Cat says.

"Lucky Charm!" He said and the lucky charm was a, mirror?

"Wow, I wonder if we can use that to reflect our beauty and talent." Kitty Cat joked. Tentouchu sighed. He looked around and saw a plan.

"Alright. I have a plan, but you need to prepare your cataclysm to destroy the akumatized object."

"Sounds like a plan to me, bugga boy!" Kitty flirted and did his thing. Tentouchu only groaned and did his part of his plan. The mirror reflected the sun beam and made the victim blind.

"Cataclysm!" Kitty Cat said and destroy the object. The akuma got free and flew away.

"No more evil doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilized!" Tentouchu caught the akuma and trapped it in his yoyo.

"Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Tentouchu!" He said and everything went back to normal. The victim thanked them and tried to amend their mistake. Kitty Cat looked at Tentouchu and smiled, holding out his fist.

"Pound it!" They both said. They departed their ways and detransform.

"Thanks, Plagg. It was fun being the cat for a while." Randy said.

"Yeah it was, do you have some Camembert?" Plagg asked as he took the ring back. Randy checked his bag and saw a macaroon.

"Will a macaroon do?" He asked. Plagg ate it in the end.

"Thanks again, Bug Kid." Plagg left towards Nomi.

Nomi took of the earrings and gave it to Tikki. She smiled.

"You did wonderful, Nomi Neko. Do you have anything I can have for energy?" Nomi checked his pocket and found a piece of Camembert.

"Will this do?" He asked. Tikki ate it nonetheless.

"Thanks again, Nomi Neko." She said and flew towards Randy. The kwamis went back to their owners happily.

Randy rushed towards his friends after knowing they were okay. He saw Nomi with them and almost tripped.

"Be careful there, Randy." He laughed. Randy chuckled at Nomi's words and they all had fun, despite the teasing from the other friends about them being together.

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