Randy's Father's Crimes

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Randy closed his eyes as he sleep in with Nomi, trying to visit his father who's in purgatory. A nightmare from his crimes. He did many bad things but he did it to protect Randy and the family. His siblings told him about it and so does his mother, but the police still tried to catch him so his father commit suicide to hide himself. The family buried him at the grave yard and surprisingly no one seem to notice the grave. Randy sighed as he arrived in the dream realm.

The maze.
It's so tide and I cannot get out.

He arrived at the dream realm and saw his siblings doing their work with Sandman. He looked happy.

Too late.
Lament shouts will not
Clear up my doubts.

Randy continued towards his siblings with a smile before walking into his father's purgatory, as his memories about him leaving him alone replayed again.

Why tell me father,
Did you leave me alone?
Why did I have to survive
In a cruel world on my own?

Randy's memories shows his father drenched in blood when the family was about to get attacked. He calmed his kids and wife before running away. Randy cried for him yet he didn't come back.

Why tell me father,
Did I loose who I am?
My life from incident
Is going like in frames.
But I hope that misery
Is going to pardon me.
And the creator of my life
Would admit me.
You don't have to mess with me cause
I've no need to get agree.
Daddy must confirm that he redeemed his sins.

Randy looked at the purgatory and saw a man tied up in chains. His memories went back to the time his father committed suicide to hide himself from the police. What a wrong way to do it. He cried at that time, and he was still a child.

Randy continued towards his father, who looked at his child in pure regret. He looked tired and was hurt. His body was scratched, hit, punished so much. Randy couldn't do anything to help his father. This is his father's punishment, not Randy's. He sighed as he called his father to focus on him. His father looked at him scared and tortured.

Why tell me father,
Should I have all this chains?
So wouldn't world be brighter
Without your deadly plans?
Why tell me rather,
Why I can't see the sun?
My loving brothers are
Robotic part of the swarm.

His father's voice called him.

Oh my, oh my little child.
I didn't mean to tear apart.
Your soul, your mind
It's my design
To make machines that stole
Another's life.
I feel confused that
My hands sometime made
Inside of me a few tons of hate
Have fade.
Can't ask or wait
Forgive me if you please
Internal life will shade
Can I get an amen?

Randy sighed.

I would be so happy but I can't.
I am a monster now.
A prison where I stayed all time
Covered me away.
Modulation and inflection.
Frightful place, annihilation.
Jaws and grip are all around me.
And you want me to forget you?

Randy twisted his body towards the exit.

Are feelings father,
Are not as strong as think.
We must go much farther
Imagine life so pink.

Randy twisted his body again towards his father with a sad smile.

But I'm not spiteful.
I would forget offence.
So come give me a hug
Your son is, your friend.

Randy hugged his father sadly as his father cried in pitiful tears. He cried more and more, missing his son so bad. He couldn't help it. He just tried to protect him and now he's the wrong. Randy was disliked by a lot of people because of his father's crimes.

Randy said his farewell before leaving his father who was willing to do his punishment again. Randy woke up in sweats as Nomi was trying to calm him down.

"Randy, are you okay?" He asked. Randy teared up and smiled.

"I am now, Nomi. Thank you." He said, kissing Nomi's forehead with care. Nomi smile gently and hugged Randy to calm him down even more. Randy fell asleep and Nomi chuckled, kissing his cheek with love and care.

"I'll protect you Randy."

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