Miraculous Ladybug AU

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In the daytime, I'm Randy. Just a normal boy, in a normal life. There's something about me that, no one knows yet, cause I had a secret.(who sang it instead of reading it? I do) I am Bug Kid, holder of the ladybug miraculous, with my kwami Tikki. She is adorable. I can't let anyone know, not even Howard. I may not know who my partner, Nomi Neko is, but what I do know, is that he is a very flirty kitty. I have a crush on Nomi Norisu, so that's all from me.

Randy finished his writing in his special diary, where no one knew about it. Tikki came and just cuddled to me. How sweet.

"Hey, Tikki. What is it? You want some cookies?" I asked as I pulled out a cookie. She grabbed it and ate it smiling.

"Well, I would be going by now if I were you." Tikki said as she pointed towards the clock, which was showing that Randy was late for school.

"Oh no! Thanks Tikki. Come on!" They rushed towards the school. Tikki hidden herself in Randy's small pocket in his jacket. Randy ran towards the school and bumped into Nomi Norisu, a very famous model.

"Woah, be careful, Randy." He said. Randy blushed and stood up like a pencil.

"Oh, sorry about that Nomi. I was rushing and fell for you I mean fell to you I mean fell on you and here we go I'm splattering weird words he he... Sorry." Randy said and ran inside. Nomi only giggled.

"What an interesting boy. I like it."

As Nomi walked to his best friend, Rei, he stumbled of a shouting girl who he really don't like, Heidi.

"Nomi-kins! Do you miss me? Admit it, you miss me!" She kissed his cheek.

"Sorry Heidi, but I'm going to class. I'll see you soon." Nomi said as he and Rei walked up to their first session. Randy smiles weirdly. Howard filled his face with pure guilt.

"Cunningham, I wish I said this earlier, but meh sister won't stop until she got Nomi." Randy only nodded in shame. He really admire Nomi but only from afar.

In class

The students are in class learning about love and kindness. Randy was daydreaming as usual while Nomi only focusing the lesson that were important.

"So, who can tell me, what happens when true love came?" Rose, a girl with blonde hair and pinkish clothes, reply happily.

"The lovers will love each other dearly, until the end cause nothing can defeat true love." The teacher, Miss Kobayashi nods.

"Very good, Rose. I'm not surprise that you knew about that. Anyways, I would like to say-" as she was about to say anything else, an attack happen near the school. The akumatized victim, Charlotte Emily(not original name) turned into a monster, with claw and a dragon roar? Everyone evacuated, but Randy rushed to an abandon stall.

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