Avoiding Eye Contact

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"Nomi, why are you avoiding me when I'm talking to you? Please listen..." Randy asked Nomi but be looked away. Why? Is he hating him? Did he did something wrong? Randy has no idea why but he needs to know soon.

Nomi hid himself near an abandon classroom and sighed. Why is it so hard to tell the truth? Nomi thought of any possible way to try to tell Randy the truth. It's not that easy. Damn it.

"How can I..." He asked himself. Soon enough, his best friends Steven Charles and Rei (Charles) came towards him.

"Hey bro. What's wrong?" Steven asked. Nomi looked around and sighed.

"I've been avoiding Randy recently since I may or may not did something to him by accident." Nomi said regretting it. Steven just bursted shook.

"... Who are you and what have you done to Nomi?!" He said jokingly, but sounded serious.

"What? What are you talking about?" Nomi asked.

"The Nomi I know is always honest to everything that he says no matter what the mistakes are!" Steven replied. Nomi realized, he was right. Honesty is the best policy after all.

"You're right Steven. I'll call you back. Thanks!" He said and left. Steven chuckled.

"Works Everytime." He said and left towards the gym for practice.

Nomi arrived at Randy's home and saw Randy sulking with... Ice cream?! But he's lactose intolerance!

"Randy what the juice are you doing?!" Nomi asked as he took the ice cream away from him. Randy sulked more.

"But you've been avoiding me... Are you hating me?" He asked. Nomi sighed.

"No... Actually I never hate you. I always love you no matter what. So please remember that, okay?" Nomi said as he wipe the stained tears from Randy's eyes. How sad.

"Okay then, why did you avoid me recently?" Randy started to ask and got onto Nomi's lap, preventing him from escaping. Nomi gulped.

"Promise you won't be mad?" He asked. Randy went questioning.

"Mad about what?" He asked. Nomi then took a deep breath and spoke.

"I accidentally destroyed your controller that you love so much." He said. Randy went quiet then smiled.

"It's okay Nomi. It's an accident after all." Randy said and cuddle him closely. Nomi let his breath out gladly. But he wasn't done.

"We are SO having a TALK after this, NoMi~!" Randy said sarcastically. Oh boy, Nomi is not safe at all.

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