Fantasy Fan Fiction

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The words echo through the room, where the lovebirds are. They got scared for a minute before another weird gibberish came.


Randy tried to process on what is happening while Nomi thought of it. Then, an idea popped up.

"Randy, I think we should follow the voices. Maybe it could give us some answers." Nomi said.


They followed the voices until they stumbled into Yuuki's room, and they saw a portal. It swirls in blue. They got closer and closer until the entrance.


They come closer to the portal and ended up in a white void, but its not empty. It was filled with fantasy, nature and a lot of things. They then saw a boy, wearing a cap with a blue pine tree logo on it. He was wearing a blue vest, red T-shirt, shorts and sneakers. Next to him was a man in yellow hoodie, yellow hair and had an eyepatch under his hair that covered his right eye. That guy must love yellow and gold.

They came closer and noticed the new people were holding hands and laughing happily. Are they a couple, Randy thought. Nomi thought about it as well. The couples saw them staring at them.


"BILL! You're scaring them! Don't look at them like that! Ah, hello there. My name is Dipper Pines. This is Bill Cipher, a dream demon. But don't worry, I'll control him to make him behave." Dipper said.

"Oh. Well, my name is Randy Cunningham. This is Nomi Norisu. Is Bill your boyfriend~? Randy teased, making Dipper blushed hard.

"He-He is NOT my boyfriend! How about that Nomi guy?! Isn't HE your boyfriend?!" Dipper fought back. They fought while the other two boys stand at the corner were confused.

"What are they talking about? Can you hear them?" Nomi asked.

"Meh, we can ask them later. I wanna meet the others." Bill replied.

"There's more?" They stopped the fight and walked to somewhere and saw more people. They were many of them. But the main one is a girl with blue shirt and a boy with jet black hair. He was wearing glasses. The kids noticed us with a smile.

"Ah, Randy, Dipper, Nomi and Bill. It is a pleasure to see you again. K.C, have you seen Yuuki and Yooka? I need to talk to them." The girl said.

"Sure thing, B.M honey~." K.C said while the girl, B.M rolled her eye and smirked it off.

"Anyway. My name is B.M. I'm just a normal girl who took care of this place. Welcome, to Fantasy Fan Fiction. Where everything is just a fantasy and a fan fiction. Like you for an example. There are more out there that isn't the same life as you did. This is my world universe, but they can just come here anytime." She explained.

Nomi and Randy got confused at first, but Bill and Dipper only nodded. K.C then came back with Yuuki and Yooka, which presumably with some weird coincidence.

"SIS?!" Randy and Dipper said in unison. They looked at each other with a weird expression.

"How do you know her?!" They both asked at each other, making the others except B.M and Yuuki laughed. The two girls only did a slapped on the face.

"Hello? I'm a special girl? Dimensions and mostly powerful except for the God? Damn, isn't that obvious?" Yuuki said. B.M only giggled when K.C poked her cheek.

"So, we can call you sis? Since you are our fake one? Make sense I guess." Dipper said.

They decided to take a tour around the place. But then, Bill started making gibberish sounds.


"Bill, what did I said about codes? Please wait." Dipper said. Those gibberish...

"You were the one who called us out!" Nomi and Randy said in unison and realisation.

"Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!" Bill exclaimed.

"Bill, seriously?" Dipper said.

"We need new friends, Pinetree. Please?"

"Fine. Sorry what Bill did though."

"Its okay. ^^ Lets see what else there." Randy said.

"Okie. Lets go!" Dipper said, leaving Nomi and Bill alone again.

"Ah, no. Here we go again." They both said in unison before following the young ones.


Thanks for reading ^^. I had fun writing codes like these. I'll try to make more if I wanted to. LOL. See ya soon.

"The Next Shall Be Full Of Magic. An Old Sorcery Magic. Great House, Different Route, Same Feelings. Who would it be? A Boy With Glasses And A Scar, Another Boy With A Slick Hair, Pale Skin And Almost Like A Snake. Guess them for the next oneshotz idea. See Ya Soon."

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