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Randy can feel his body. Of course he can. But he wasn't really proud of it. It look feminine, not really muscular. He doesn't know what to do. He can only accept his fate as a boy with a feminine body. He heard many boys and man have this type of body and they almost got raped. He does not want that.

Randy got up from the couch and walked towards the mirror nearby. He looked at his slender body. He sighed and said to himself.

"Maybe I can go to the park for exercise? Yeah." He walked to his room getting the necessary things before he go towards the park. It was a pretty long journey there. It took about 15 minutes from the house. He arrived there and started to do exercise to boost up his muscles. As he was doing it, he saw a glimpse of red hair nearby and blushed.

"Why is he here?!" He asked as he dropped down from his pushup. Nomi was doing yoga and meditation. He looked muscular which made Randy feel jealous but not much.

"I can hear you breathing, Randy. Why are you at the park?" Nomi asked with a chuckle. Randy stiffened a bit before smiled awkwardly.

"Well, I'm trying to gain a few muscles if you want an honest answer." He said. Nomi whistled.

"Wow, really? I thought you like your slender body." Nomi said, not being mean. Randy sighed.

"No, people kept mistaking me as a girl... And I almost got into multiple accidents because of this... I want to be muscular so that everyone knows who am I!" He confessed. Nomi can feel all the pain from Randy's experience. He felt guilty.

"Oh, I'm sorry Randy. I didn't know. But, you shouldn't change. You should love the way you are. Besides, I thought a boy with that type of body is interesting. And... I kinda like you like that." Nomi said with a smile. Randy blushed at the fact. What? Nomi likes him?!

"Eeehhh?!" Randy got down. Nomi smiled, picked him up and chuckled before giving him a simple kiss on the forehead.

"It's true. I really like you." He said with a tease. Randy blushed more and more.

"Aaahh..." Randy was speechless so Nomi took him back home.

"Eehh?! Why are you taking me home?!" Randy asked.

"Time to go home!" Nomi said with a chuckle. Randy groaned.

"But why?" He asked. Nomi then smirked and got closer to his ears, whispered in a husky tone.

"So I can feel your body you dislike so much~" Randy blushed.


The next day.

"I hate you." Randy said limping. Nomi smiled.

"Love you too." He said.

RC9GN Randicon One Shotz AU (1)Where stories live. Discover now