The Deaf meets The Mute

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Randy Cunningham was born deaf. He couldn't hear a single sound. He lived with his twin brother, a sister and a mother who sadly at the hospital for recovery of cancer. He got ready for his daily life for the day. He puts on his jogging shoes and starts his normal jog.

At the park, he looks at The beautiful nature around him. He may be deaf but he's very grateful for everything else. He can still see and feel. That's good. As he jog, he didn't mean to bumped into someone and both fell down. He looked up to see a boy with red hair and easy to say, he's hot. Randy got up and started to use his sign language.

*I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!* Randy said worriedly. The red head smiled.

*It's okay. Are you hurt?* He asked. Randy was surprised. He can use sign language? Why?

*No I'm not hurt. Um can I ask why do you use sign language* Randy asked curiously. Red head chuckled.

*I'm muted. And I have a feeling you're deaf. Am I right?* He said. Randy smiled.

*Wow, you're pretty awesome. My name is Randy, what about you?* He asked.

*Nomi. Pleasure to meet you, Randy.* He smiled.

Soon after that day, they both became good friends. Everyone knew them because they always use sign language almost every day they met. They both love video games, meditation and even do some martial arts. Nomi discover Randy can cook, which to be honest, it's pretty talented.

Howard, Randy's best friend and Steven, Nomi's best friend soon couldn't hang out with them since their more busier than ever. This although upset them, Randy and Nomi thought they can spend time together.

After a long time of knowing each other, they both soon fell in love secretly with one another. Nomi wanted to make something special for Randy, so he planned a surprise confession for him. Randy on the other hand, wanting to find a way to confess to Nomi as romantic as possible.

Nomi soon asked Randy to meet him at the same park they first met, only under a blooming tree. Soon, Randy came in some outfit his sister picked out for him while his twin wasn't so happy for Randy to wear it.

Randy is wearing a light blue top and black shorts around his thighs. His shoes were blue as well. His hair is softly brushed. Nomi has patiently waited for Randy and was stunned by the beauty of Randy's outfit and adorableness.

He calm down as his heart beats faster than before. Randy came up with a smile and Nomi almost nosebleed. So much for smooth confession, he thought.

*Hey Randy. You looked amazing.* He said in his sign language. Randy smiled.

*Thanks. You looked handsome as always. Um, why do you want to meet me here?* He asked curiously. Nomi sighed and took out a piece of paper with a red rose stick to it. Randy couldn't believe it. There's no way...

Dear Randy,

For a long time we've talked and get to know each other, I realized that I fell in love with you. You are amazing, adorable and kind hearted. Even when you're deaf  you always making sure everyone else is happy. I never seen someone being as this generous until I met you. And now, my heart beats for you. I have a question for you, Randy.

Will you be mine?

Randy teared up from the confession. Who would've thought Nomi, the boy he had admired loved him back. Nomi looked worried,did something went wrong? He gently wipes away Randy's tears from flowing. Randy smiled as he holds the thornless rose in his hands.

*Thank you, Nomi. Yes, I'll be yours. I loved you too.* Randy confessed. They both gently kissed as the blooming petals falls down.

A few years later

Randy and Nomi smiled to each other as they looked after their kids who were playing at the park. The kids are perfectly normal. They can talk and all that. Except for the fourth child, Shira. She was an albino. Kuro, the eldest brother took precautions to protect his little siblings. Especially for Aoi, a young girl and Akai, their first biological child before Shira is.

*Kids, be more careful.* Randy said worriedly. Kuro smiled.

*Don't worry mom, I'll handle it.* He did his signs. He knew his mother and father's condition and he didn't care. He loved them. Nomi smiled and missed Randy.

*I love you.*

*I love you too.*

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