Exercise Routine

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Nomi went to the gym on his free time for practicing his skills. He saw many students there. He went to his locker and changed his clothes. He took a fresh pair of clothing and wore it. He then walked to the equipments to practice.

Randy, on the other hand is in the cooking class to cook for the whole period. He made some macaroons and cupcakes for his siblings and friends. When he wanted to decorate one of the macaroons, his thought immediately went to Nomi. He then decorated with a Norisu Nine logo.

After class, Randy went straight to Nomi at the gym. He saw many students but no Nomi. He searched a bit until he saw him, half naked. He just wearing sport shorts. That's all. His abs, six pack or what you wanted to say. It was hot from Randy's P.O.V.. Randy got an instant nosebleed. Good thing the food is covered tightly.

Nomi saw Randy and blushed. He was happy to see him. He put down the weights and walked towards him, wiping the blood from his nose.

"Randy, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine! I'm fine ^^ don't worry." Randy said while wiping his nose with his handkerchief.

Nomi smiled softly. He then saw a box in his hand.

"What's that?"

"Oh. Its some sweets that I made. My siblings already got some, with Theresa, Debbie and Yooka. The children already had some. The rest is for you!" Randy opened the box that has beautifully hand made macaroons and sweet.

Nomi smiled again and took one piece of the macaroon. It tasted wonderful! How can he do such delicious delicacies?

"These are amazing! How did you do it?" Nomi exclaim.

"Well, I tried my best!" Randy said.

Nomi heard his coach calling him for a basketball practice.

"I gotta go. I'll see ya soon, alright?" Nomi kissed Randy's cheek.

"Sure. See ya. Good luck with practice." Randy said when Nomi walks towards the practice. Randy smiled softly but in his mind...

'He kissed me! Yes!' His head was filled with his internal fangirling.

RC9GN Randicon One Shotz AU (1)Where stories live. Discover now