My Zombie Boyfriend

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B.M: Greetings everyone. Sorry for my lack of disappearance. My test is bad, my phone got taking by the school, but its fine. Enjoy! Idea from daisycutebird
Nomi P.O.V

I've never been this scared of all my life. A zombie apocalypse is happening and I'm not truly prepare. I put on my protective clothes, some food in my bag, a pistol, snipers, knife and poison to kill any zombies. I went outside and it was terrifying...

This place is filled with blood, limbs even organs, everywhere! I almost puked. I went to an empty supermarket and was relieved that there was some food and supplies. But then, while I was placing some stuff, I heard a zombie groan nearby. I peeked and saw a purple hair zombie with blue eyes. His skin is barely green and smooth. He has scratches and a scar across his cheek. It was, beautiful???

The zombie looked at me and smiled. He is so cute! Why???? I walked closer to him and he just hugged me like I'm his friend. I just awkwardly pat his back before he started to speak in gibberish.

"Ugh, wh-o are you?"(In gibberish)

"Um, what?"

"Oh." The zombie looked around and just played around a small garden. He pulled up some dirt and wrote something on it.

Randy Cunningham

The writing says that. That's his name, huh? He can't really speak really well. I took a drawing tablet for kids and gave him so that he can talk to me. He gladly took it and wrote something on it.

"Who are you?"

"I'm a friend, survivor. The name's Nomi Norisu. Pleased to meet you." I smiled softly. He nodded his head and wrote something again.

"Can I follow you? I'm a bit scared and lost around here..." I hold his hand and walked with him with other zombies. Thankfully, Randy managed to make the zombies respect me as I respect them. Randy is a very caring person, but I'm a bit scared.

One, is that Randy might betray me, and two, other survivors might try to kill him. I don't want that to happen. After a long walk, we decided that its best to rest before continue our journey. He was a bit hungry and so am I.

We rest at a small restaurant nearby and surprisingly, Randy cleaned everything up and even prepared food, almost like N and Alex from Webtoon.
(Read it its good ^^ Zombie Boyfriend)

We took a seat and ate the food he had served, which is burger. It was delicious! The meat is juicy and the sauce is handmade. If you meet him, you might ask him to cook these for you. Just saying.

After we ate, we continued until we stumbled a park that was, believe it or not, not covered in blood. It was a beautiful scenery. I guess the zombie apocalypse is still spreading. Me and Randy look at the scene and for some reason, I had a feeling on kissing his cheek. I dunno why... But surprise, he kissed me!

We broke of the kiss with a shocked face. He was blushing crazy! I was blushing too, but a smile crept on my face. I hugged him with all my love.

"Thanks for that kiss. I love it." He was only a few inches lower than me, so he hid his face on my chest, probably embarrassed.

"I love you." He said without the board. I can understand, maybe after our chat with other zombies. I replied back.

"I love you too, my zombie boyfriend." We kissed again before finding a place to call it a night. We found a hotel and rested there until I woke up, realized it was just a dream.

I love that dream. I looked outside and some children as ages as me were playing, but my eyes caught on a boy that I kisses in my dream. Randy Cunningham.

I rushed down and he greeted me with a smile. I smiled back and he pulled me into a quick kiss before playing with the others. I wish he can kiss me more. I liked it.

After they played and having a short rest, me and Randy look at a scenery and hugged each other tightly. I saw a familiar scar, on his cheek.

"Oh this? I just fell down." Randy took noticed. I can only trust him for now. I took out a bandage and place it on the scar. He looks so cute!

"Thanks." He said as we kissed again. My dreams can become a reality, that's one thing I learn.
B.M: Hello, again thanks to daisycutebird for the idea. See ya soon!

K.C: Also, we may be a bit busy, but holiday is just four days away, so prepare for more stories!

B.M: See ya.

Randy: Please vote and comment. Me and Nomi plus the others will be glad ^^

B.M: As I said, BYE!!! ^^

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