Halloween Story Update

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It was a Halloween night. Everyone is preparing for the spook that will scares the soul from them. Randy, however, decide to take part of it without wearing  a costume. He decorated the house and prepared the sweet treats for the kids for their trick or treating. He decided to stay home for a while, not bothering on going out.
It went well at first, but then, he heard strange noises coming from the back of his house. He was all alone, while the only thing that keep him safe was his Nomicon. He got scared and checked outside. The creepy breeze flows in, but the thing that got his attention was a voice. A voice. A creepy voice that made him shivered in fear. The voice was almost unheard, but Randy's sharped ears can picked it up in an instant.

Follow me, my curious Ninja.

Randy got curious, but just to be safe, he put on his ninja mask and brought his Nomicon,then went out to a deep forest. It was dark. Too dark to see. He stop after awhile and try to listen for the voice again.

You are here. How lovely. You are very curious. Very curious indeed.

"Who are you?! Show yourself!" Randy pleaded.

Ohohoho. Do you really want to? Well, I'm the Halloween Spirit. And I see that you are not in to it anymore.

"Just leave me alone! Why did you call me here?!"

I won't leave until I'm satisfied. I called you for...

The spirit came from behind with a weapon that a reaper would have.

... Your mask and soul.

Randy ran out of the forest after dodging the attack. He ended up at the street, but the spirit still chasing after him. The spirit, Hallo chased him with her maniacal laugh. Ninja dodge and dodge but didn't know how to stop her. He took out his Nomicon for guidance after hidden himself somewhere.

"C'mon,Nomicon. How can I defeat her? She's too strong." He shoolmp inside.

"Well, I don't know what are you going to do, Ninja. So do as you please. Find your own start. I can't help you." Nomicon said.

"Eh?! But Nomicon!" Randy pleaded. Why did Nomicon act like this?

"Randy, wake up now!" Nomicon shouted.
Randy woke up. It was a dream. He fell asleep on Halloween Night. What a nightmare. He got up and looked at the clock. Its still trick or treating time for kids so he got up and try to prepare the sweets, but got a painful headache. Nomi, from the kitchen came in.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked. Randy smiled.

"I'm fine. I was going to get those candies. Can you help?" Nomi nodded in response. He finished it and let Randy rest for awhile.

"I got a weird dream, Nomi. A Halloween Spirit came and tried to take away my mask and soul. I tried to get information from you, but you told me to do it by myself."Randy explain. Nomi nodded.

"Its okay. Its just a dream." Nomi hugged him as a way to calm him down.

"Thanks,Nomi. You are right. Its just a dream." Randy hugged back. They didn't know that someone, or something heard them.

Its no dream soon, Ninja. Soon, you'll be just like me. A soul for chaos and fear. Lookout, Hallo is coming to you.

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