Inuyasha AU

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B.M: I'm so sorry for late updates. My sister is having a fever and we're at the clinic for further checkup. Hope she'll be okay. In the meantime enjoy Inuyasha!
Randy's P.O.V

My name is Randy Cunningham. I have no idea how to say this. I'm actually in a different timeline in the past, where I saw a man in Tengu fur, named Nomi sleeping peacefully in a tree. I got out from a well that made me travel here. Now, I have to be friended with him and try to find some sacred piece of an amulet full of magic tht I accidentally destroyed. It was actually belongs to someone who has close reassemble  to me, called Ninja Prince.

"Ne, Nomi. Can we rest?" I asked while we hiked up a mountain. He sighed.

"Fine, idiot." He had made me mad. One way to make him at sorry to me is...

"Osuwari. (Sit) " He sat down with force. He groaned.

"Itai! (Ouch) Woi, Randy! Why did you do that?!"

"I don't know, I just felt like it." I said as I took out our dinner that I've packed for us to eat. It was a simple bento, but he ate it fast.

"So, should we rest here?" He asked. I nodded and put our now empty dinner in my bag. He put up a fire to keep us warm.

As we warm ourself, I couldn't help but wonder who was the Ninja Prince. Nomi looked like he loves him, so does this mean they have a relationship? I couldn't bare myself to know more. He already fell asleep so I was awake the whole night. But then, after a while he says something is his dreams.

"Don't leave me, Randy."

I chuckled. To be honest I have a slight crush on him, so it wasn't that bad when I say that he looked cute. I looked around before placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I'll never leave you, Nomi." I fell asleep as darkness swallows me.

Nomi P.O.V

He kissed me. He actually did. Who knew that this boy actually made me feel loved again. I got up and placed him next to me to keep him safe as if my instinct came over me.

He looked so peacefully. I hugged him and he shivered. I placed my red coat over him to keep him warm.

"Sweet dreams, Randy."

B.M: I shall continue it soon! I'm so sorry!!!

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