Chapter 1: Loyalty Over Love

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Present Day

11 years later

Paris' POV

"Bubba unlock the door, nigga!" Aaron said while banging on my door. Bubba was my family nickname, my mom gave it to me.

"Get the fuck AWAY from the door. NIGGA!" I said back getting irritated with him.

Today was my mom's birthday (February 14th) and the whole family was over our house to celebrate it. Typically we all go and walk to the area she died which was at the corner of Crenshaw Blvd., and we would talk to her and do a balloon release. But every year I hate having to do it. I get hella emotional I don't like showing that at all.

Since my mom died, I've been very short tempered and intolerant towards a lot of things. I've gotten into fights with some quote on quote 'blood' bitches, and I hate that I let them get to me, but I can't help it. I don't bang crip, but I'm hella affiliated and since my momma got killed by a blood I don't fuck with a single one and I consider the rolling 60s family, my family. They've had my whole family's back since she got killed I genuinely appreciate them for that.

"You ain't even came to say wassup nobody, bubba," Aaron said.

I was laying on my bed thinking about her all day. I finally got up to open the door for him and laid back down just staring at the ceiling.

"You ain't gone believe who the fuck showed up here," Aaron said sitting on my rocking chair.


"Mario's ass"

I immediately sat up. We hadn't seen him since my mom's funeral and we didn't care to see him either. He obviously felt guilty and he should've. He gave a some goofy ass nigga our address 'cause he was too fucking scared to give him his own. He claims he was supposed to come to our house so he could handle it on his own, but he didn't show up. I will NEVER forgive his ass—his COWARD ass.

"Mario??" I said with an attitude.

"Yea-" Aaron said before I cut him off

"Who the fuck let him in?? Who said he can stay?"

"That nigga let his self in!" He said. "Pops left to go get beers, so he don't know he here. But I was tryna get him to leave before dad cussed his ass out."

I got up and went to the living room where everyone was. I scanned the room for him and couldn't find him. I was about to go check the dining room until I felt somebody tap my shoulder. I turned around, and sure enough, it was Mario.

"Why you here?" I asked nonchalantly.

"I don't get a hey?" He said jokingly while laughing.

I straight faced him. "So you go M.I.A. for 11 years and haven't even apologized for what the fuck you caused, and you expect a hey??" I said with tears filling my eyes.

I hated to cry around people and he damn sure wasn't finna be anybody I got emotional around.

He stood there looking stupid, now having everyone's attention.

My brother Kam walked up behind me.

"Nigga get out." He said nonchalantly while pointing towards the door. "Ion even know why you here, cuz. Why you even bother to show up homie?"

He stood there for a while before moving.

"Nigga FUCK Y'ALL" Mario randomly said before leaving through the front door.

At this point my blood was boiling and I was ready to beat his ass. By the looks on Kam and Aaron's faces, I could tell that they were too.

Kam walked up to him. "Nigga leave." He said getting in his face. "You ain't welcome here no more, cuz. You ain't family, homie. You a bitch, you been a bitch, and will forever BE a bitch."

Kam was taller than Mario, but younger. He's 23 and 6'2 while Mario is 36 and 5'10. I could always count on my brothers to handle any nigga I needed them to. Whether they were younger or older than them.

Mario stood there, once again, looking stupid. I could tell he had been drinking, but that don't give him a reason to act like a fucking retard.

My dad walked in the front door with Mario blocking his way. "You heard him nigga, LEAVE." He said moving out the way so he could walk out.

He said nothing and left.

I was heated. I was about to walk back into my room until my dad called me.

"Bubba don't go back in yo' room. Yo' family is here."

I rolled my eyes before turning around to sit on the couch.

I wanted to just go in my room and cry but I didn't wanna hear my dad's mouth about "hOw I aCt aRoUnD fAmiLy".

I sat on the couch just staring off into space while everybody talked, laughed, smoked, and drank.

I started to nod off until somebody snuck up on me.

"Wake that ass up!" My cousin, Kyla yelled scaring me and making me jump.

She was my only close cousin and has always been since we were babies.

"Bitch I hate you!" I said making sure my dad didn't hear me.

We laughed at each other before getting into deep conversation.

Kyla was so cool. She was literally the only person who REALLY understood me. Besides my best friend, Alexys. She was really the only girl I got a long with to be honest. She's very down to earth and always puts a smile on somebody's face.

The rest of the night was actually enjoyable since I had her there with me.


If you're unfamiliar with who's who, go to the "Character Introduction" chapter!

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To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now