Chapter 39: Downhill

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2:00 PM

I took London with me today to go to Kia's apartment and see what was up with her, and left Raelyn with baby Kam. Kia never answers the phone half the time, and she leaves Lolo with us for weeks at a time. Not that it's necessarily a problem, but this is her newborn baby and I understand she's "working" (whatever working is for her), but London knows us better than she knows her own mama and she's 5 months old. That's sad.

I finally pulled into her apartment complex and got London out the backseat in her car seat.

I walked up the stairs in her ghetto ass complex and knocked on her door three times. No answer. I knocked again, this time harder.

Seconds later she came to the door with a robe on, and her lipstick smeared on her face.

"Hey." She said as she stepped outside of the door.

"Kia what is wrong with you?" I said as I held London in her car seat, with her diaper bag on my other arm.

"Nothing...nothing. I can't take the baby right now..right now. I'm busy."

She didn't even look like herself. I knew exactly what was going on. She couldn't even stop fidgeting. She kept looking around. Kept touching her arm.

I sighed and looked up to keep myself calm. "Whatever drug you're on, you need to stop taking it. Your daughter doesn't fucking know you because this is what you choose to do for some fucking money. You sick as hell." I said before a tall, dark skinned man walked out of her front door, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Bye sexy." He said before brushing past me.

She weakly smiled and disappointedly looked down, then looking back up at me.

"I can't stop Paris. I'm not mentally stable anymore." She said as tears rolled down her face. "Look. I love my baby. But I can't keep her. I don't want her around this and I know y'all down either. T-take her for me. Raise her—raise her to be a good—better person, than I am. Or ever was. Make sure she's as, as, smart as her daddy. I wa-" Another guy walked past me into her apartment.

"Come on, I don't got all day girl." He rudely said.

"I appreciate you Paris, and I'm sorry." Her voice cracked as she closed the door.

We really gotta take this shit to court. Damn.

I won't lie...that kinda hurt my feelings, cause I thought she was better than that. I thought she was going to do better after she had her baby. But I guess not.

A month later...
Friday, March 29th

So, Adrian's birthday was on Sunday, and Alexys's birthday was on Monday. Since their birthdays are during spring break, we're going to Orlando for a cool lil get away.

Me, Adrian, Kyla, her boyfriend Eric, Alexys, AJ (his bf), Maurice, and his girl Natalie, are all going. Our flight leaves at 10:00 tomorrow morning, so I'm spending the night at Adrian's house and we're gonna Uber to the airport tomorrow morning.

"You gone keep staring at me?" I said as I paced back and forth, tryna make sure I don't forget to pack anything.

"Yep." He said as he sat as his island eating a strawberry.

"Why nigga?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I like looking at you. Duh." He smirked as he sat back in his stool.

I couldn't help but laugh at him. "You needa be making sure you got everything you need."

"Girl I'm good. That's why I don't do stuff last minute like you do." He laughed.

I flicked him off and bent over to get my shirt that I dropped on the ground.

"You done got thick over these past couple of weeks, can't even cap." He said as he got up and smacked my butt.

"Stop dumb ass!" I said while he walked away, causing him to turn around.

"What?" He smirked as he pulled my back into his front.

"I said stop...dumb ass. Mooovveeee let me go" I said, slightly turned on.

"Say sorry." He said, turning me around, making me face him.

"No... you can let me go I need to finish pack-" My voice trailed off as he pushed me up against the wall and pinned my arms above my head.

"Say sorry Paris. It's not that hard." He said as he started to kiss my neck.

Oh my god can I ever just be stubborn in peace? Shit!

"Mmm mmm." I said, hellaaaa enjoying it.

"Boo stopppppp.." I said as he started trying to give me a hickey.

"Shit..." I whispered. "O-okay I'm sorry!"

He finally let me go, grabbing my face and kissing my lips.

"It's okay." He smiled before going to turn on his game.

"Get on my nerves." I said as I went into the bathroom to look at my neck.

Yup, big ass red hickey on the side of my neck. Damnnnnn!

To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now