Chapter 44: Worthless

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2 Weeks Later...
11:30 AM
Paris Brooks-

"Your honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defendant has been charged with aggravated assault to an innocent young man. I have evidence today to prove that the defendant is guilty as charged."

Kill me now.

1 hour later..

"The jury finds the defendant..."

I was shaking the entire time, hoping that court would go well. I haven't been able to sleep since the situation. I tried to talked to him on the phone almost everyday.

My dad held my hand tight.


"No!" I cried. I just felt my heart rip into pieces.

Maurice put his arm around me. "Fuck!"

"Thank you jury, for your service today. Court is adjourned." The judge said.

I held my face in my hands as I shook my leg.

Bad things keep happening.

After we left, I needed space. So I decided to go to Jack in the Box. After I ate my food in an empty parking lot, I went to Walgreens cause I just got my period and I needed pads. Just a cherry on the fucking cake.

I was cramping, I was sad, I was mad, I was stressed, I just felt so incomplete with Adrian there.

After I left Walgreens, I made my way back to Kam's apartment complex and got out the car.

As I got out the car, a guy approached me in a ski mask and grabbed me by my waist.

"Come on!" He said as he slammed me up against his car and put me in handcuffs.

I screamed. "STOP!" I tried to kick.

He ignored me and threw me in his back seat.

"HELP-" I tried to scream before he forced a nasty ass sock inside of my mouth.

"Shut the fuck up!" He panted as he tied my feet up.

"Mmmmmmmm" I tried to yell as he closed the door and got in the drivers seat.

He took his ski mask off as he pulled off, and as soon as I seen those thick ass, nappy ass twists, I knew it was fucking Jamar.

"Mmmar" Was all I could say with the sock in my mouth.

He turned around and snatched the sock out my mouth.

"PULL THE FUCK OVER!" I screamed at him.

I couldn't even cry anymore. I've been doing that all my life, and now I think I'm out of tears.

"Shut yo ass up, bitch!" Jamar said to me.

It hurts to see him like this, because I know this isn't who he really is. He's changed—for the worse, and it's worsening everyday.

"What the fuck do you want? WHAT?" I yelled.

"Paris I hope you didn't think you could really replace me with ole boy. You are—and will forever be mine. You my first love baby. And you thought you could just get rid of me that easily. Ima show you." Jamar slurred.

To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now