Chapter 26: It's My Birthday!

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2 days later...
Wednesday, November 25th; 7:30 PM
Paris Brooks~

"One time for the birthday biiiiiiiitch! Two times for the birthday biiitchhh! Three times for the birthday biiiitch! Fuck it up if it's ya birthday biiiiiiitch" Alexys hyped me up while he recorded me.

Girl I'm finally eighteen!!! Feels good...feels real good.

All day I been getting so many calls and texts. But you wanna know something? Not once did I receive a text or even a call from my "boyfriend". Whatever the fuck his problem is, he can keep it. I'm done tryna put up with it.

I got a good amount of gifts and money from a lot more people than I expected. Alexys gave me $200 and a handbag that I've been wanting from Saks for the longest! Kyla got me some cute ass clothes from fashion nova, my daddy gave me $500 and some shoes I been wanting, Kam gave me $350, basically, I got hella money for my birthday from a lottttttt of people.

My other cousins (who I'm obviously not as close to as I am with Kyla) and some of my other friends from school and from the neighborhood were all at Kam's house and we were finna hit the club. There was 12 of us total (not including my brother and Raelyn)

Now, Kyla and Alexys and majority of my friends who were here were 17...but we got the hookup on fake ID's girl.

Raelyn used the Karaoke machine to make an announcement.

"Okay everybody listen up. My gift to Paris is ready, so we're going to have to drive to go get it. So if you're riding with me come on, and if you're following me then let's go, but you can't stay your asses in my house" She said making everybody laugh.

Kam came up to me and started recording. "Okay okay baby sis lemme see you, lemme see you!" He hyped me up as I did a lil spin for the camera.

 "Okay okay baby sis lemme see you, lemme see you!" He hyped me up as I did a lil spin for the camera

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"Yeaaahh big 18! You know you know!" I said.

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In the car
8:26 PM

"Pour up the whole damn seal, ima get laaazzyyy! I got the mojo deals we been trapping like the 80s" everyone sang in the car with Raelyn.

"Alright y'all we here!" She said putting the Car in park.

We pulled up into this plaza with designer clothing stores in it, restaurants, etc.

She waddled like a penguin with her big stomach to this empty building.

"Okay y'all so. My baby who's not a baby no more, Paris, recently has been stressing out, in need a of a different job than the one she has, and you know, she wants to do something that she actually enjoys without having to work for someone. So, since Paris is 18 years old now, I bought her this building..this is your new salon boo!" She smiled.

Everybody was clapping and congratulating me. The only thing I could do was cry and hug her.

"I love you so much Rae Rae."I hugged her tightly. "I really appreciate you. I love you" I muffled through he shirt as I hugged her.

To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now