Chapter 17: Aftermath

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Saturday, June 12th

Kam's POV
11:30 AM

"She in her damn room. She ain't even came out since that goddamn party." My dad said as he inhaled his blunt.

" My dad said as he inhaled his blunt

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~Abraham "Young" Brooks

I looked down as I ran my hands down my face.

I'm the one that even let her begin this smoking shit in the first place, but shit what can I say—it was bound to happen, that's all she been surrounded by her whole life.

But what I was really pissed about was the fact that she was drinking and that she wasn't a fucking virgin.

Now that shit pissed me the fuck off. I know my lil sister growing up and it was gone eventually happen...but I don't know man I'm just so damn protective over her...I helped my daddy raise her and Aaron, and with her being the only girl, I'm ESPECIALLY protective over her.

I got up and walked to her room and knocked hardly on the door.

"Paris open this door."

She didn't say nothing.

I waited a few seconds and then I started knocking again.

"Paris open this fucking door!" I said again.

She unlocked it, but didn't open it.

I abruptly opened the door and closed once I was in her room.

"So how old do you think you are?" I sat on her couch she had in her room.

She looked at me with this hard ass look as she sat on her bed across from me and crossed her arms.

"I'm seventeen years old big brother, yes I am aware. I'm also aware that I am a minor and should not be drinking just because everyone else my age does it. Oh, and even though sex is a normal part of life and obviously was bound to happen soon, I do realize that I am a child—though I will be 18 in a few months—I shouldn't be thinking about having sex."

I couldn't help but laugh. This girl got a smart ass mouth on her boy.

Usually, when me and Paris is mad at each other, it's not for long. But with Aaron's hard headed, knuckle head ass, it's a different story.

I let out a loud sigh. "Bubba I don't want you to end up like them fast ass hoochies out here who be pregnant at fucking 16 and 17 and shit. I know you remember when I was 14 and I told you I lost my virginity. You acted like you was so fuckin disgusted and you told daddy." I stopped as we laughed.

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