Chapter 36: F.T.P.

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"The fuck are you doing here?" I said as I stood in the doorway with my arms crossed.

"I still love you. I really never stopped loving you. I was going through a bad ti-"

"Let me make this clear. I have a boyfriend. You have a girlfriend. You don't want me, and I damn sure don't want you. You look like you ain't took a bath in about six months. I don't know what your lil living situation is with your bitch, but it obviously ain't good. So you can leave."

"Paris you don't understand, they're my only option. My people kicked me out! You were my only real girlfriend. I want you back Paris. I'll do anything-"

"Didn't she just say that she has a boyfriend? I suggest you leave now before him and her brother get here and deal with you. Take yo ass home and don't come back here." Raelyn said as she walked up behind me.

"I don't think I was talking to you. I was talking to Bub." He said as he looked at Raelyn with this disgusted look.

"Who-" Raelyn started before I cut her off.

"Nigga I will slap the fuck outta you right now. Don't get to calling me 'Bub' like you family or like we close and shit. She and I both already told you to leave, so dip nigga. And I swear if I have to say it again I'm going to beat the shit out of you, and tell my brother and my boyfriend to fuck you up as well." I said as I slammed the door in his face.

I let out a loud sigh and went to roll up a blunt.

"I'll be on the balcony." I said to Raelyn.

"Wish I could join you." She said as she went into the kitchen to make London a bottle.

9:17 PM

"He be doing this shit on purpose." Adrian said as I explained to him what happened earlier.

Maurice (Adrian's brother) shook his head.

"Let him come to my fucking house again ima handle him like I did last time. I'm tired of that crackhead ass nigga." Kam said making us chuckle.

"I'm sorry it's not funny." Raelyn said as she laughed anyways.

"Nigga you stupid." Adrian laughed.

"I'm for real man. Fuck he still tryna stick around for anyways." Kam said as he went to go check on London in her crib.

"Let's go for a ride man I need to smoke." Kam said as he grabbed his keys out of his pocket.

"Bet." Adrian and Maurice said in unison.

"Boo you coming?" Adrian asked me as he let his dreads out of its ponytail.

I love when he does that.

"Yeah." I smirked.

"Oh so just fucking leave me huh?" Raelyn said as she waddled towards the kitchen where we all were.

"Baby we'll be right back. I love you." Kam said as he hugged her from behind.

"Get off of me." Raelyn said as she pushed Kameron off of her with her butt.

"Aye girl don't do that. Gone get ya self in trouble." Kam smirked.

"Fuck you." Rae nonchalantly said as she went into the refrigerator and got a snack for the 70th time today.

"Hormones on go again." I said making her flick me off.

10:42 PM

"Nigga don't be hogging my shit!" High ass Maurice said to Kam who was inhaling the blunt. "Don't be fucking up the rotation."

"Nigga shut up." Kam said as he drove us back to his condo.

"Rotation." Adrian laughed. "That's a funny ass word. Rotation. RoTATE." He said as he put more emphasis on the word.

Kam and Maurice started dying.

"What the fuck is wrong with y'all." I said as I lowly laughed myself.

"Play some music or something." Maurice said from the passengers seat.

I took the aux cord from up front and plugged it into my phone.

As soon as I played the song, these niggas was looking at me like I was crazy.

"Aye. Boy. You know you need to come give me that dick, he wanna hit from the back cause I'm thick I like to fuck on him when I get lit. Yeah, tell me this pussy the shit!!" I sung along to Megan Thee Stallion.

"Paris I will beat the shit out of you turn this shit off." Kameron said as he turned around from the drivers seat.

"Aye oou he so thirsty, ride that dick like a horsey-" I continued, with my eyes low as I rubbed Adrian's leg as he sat back and smiled.

"Hell nah!" Maurice laughed at me.

"Bubba I'm finna smack the shit out of you." He said as he pulled the aux cord out of my phone.

"You—ah shit..." Kam lowly whispered to his self as blue and red lights flashed behind his car and sirens went off once, causing him to pull over.

"Bro what the fuck?" Adrian said as he looked behind us.

"And it's a fucking white cop." Maurice shook his head. "Bro do you have your license with you?"

"I'm looking for my wallet right now bro." Kam said as he felt around.

I handed him his wallet from the backseat, then the cop knocked on the driver's window.

"Record." Adrian lowly said to me.

I nodded and quickly got my phone out.

Kam rolled his window down.

"Yes sir?"

"Do you know that you were doing 60 in a 50?" The officer asked as he leaned up against the top of Kam's car.

"No sir. I do apologize." Kam said as he started to get his license out of his wallet.

"HEY! What the hell are you reaching for boy? You keep your hands where I can see them!" The cop yelled startling me.

I was so scared right now. I was on the edge of my seat. I absolutely hate the police. They half ass did shit when my mama died, and they half ass did shit when my brother died.

"I'm not a boy. You see not once did I not address you by sir. So all I ask is that you respect me the same way. Sir." Kam said placing his hands on the steering wheel. "And I was getting for my license."

The cop looked deeper into the car and scanned around.

"Where are you all going this time of night? Smells like marijuana in here." He said. "I'm gonna need you all to step out of the car." The cop said as I stood up straight.

No, no, no, no, no

"Officer you didn't even ask for his license or registration!" Adrian raised his voice from the backseat. I grabbed his hand as tight as I could.

As Adrian was talking to the cop, he looked me in my eyes. It made me feel uncomfortable...

"Ma'am do not film me. Step out of the car! All of you!" He raised his voice again.


Mr. Officer better chill...


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