Chapter 25: Familia

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Same Day...
Friday, November 13th; 3:43 PM
Paris Brooks~

"Daddy you can put her down now" I laughed at my dad holding London who was already sleep for 15 minutes in his arms.

"Man leave me alone" he laughed laying her on the couch in our living room.

"Man leave me alone" he laughed laying her on the couch in our living room

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~London Erin Brooks (2 months and 10 days old)

Lolo was with me, my dad, or Kameron all the time. She hasn't been with her mom in over a week. Kia didn't verbally tell me, but I know she's prostituting. Don't ask me how I's obvious. And I hate to say it but I think she's on drugs..and not weed.

"You talked to Kia?" He asked me from the kitchen.

"I'm here. I'm here y'all" She said through the bar door.

I looked at her up and down. "Na'Kia what are you wearing?" I said to her.

She had on shorts with fishnet tights and a crop top.

"Well hey to you too" She said picking the baby up off the couch.

"Be careful Kia she was just sleep. Don't be so aggressive." My dad said helping get London's diaper bag.

"You good to drive?" My dad said walking them to the door.

"Abe yes. Im not on anything." She said.

"Who car is this?" I said pushing through my dad to get through the front door.

"'Mine girl. I just bought last week." She said opening the back door. She was driving a white Rolls Royce.

Since when did she have money... Since she got money why are we buying everything this baby has??

"Ima have to bring her back over here either next week or Sunday...if not here then to Kam's house." She said from her car.

Me and my dad looked at each other.

"Why Kia"

She hesitated. "Because I have to work. I'll hit you up" She drove off.

"She busting them legs open thats why." I said making my dad laugh.

"Paris shut up" He continued laughing.

"But for real though I don't think she need to keep going back there." He said.

"If that's her way of making money, then let her-"

"I'm taking bout Lolo Paris. She don't need to be around Kia and her fucked up ass way of living. And then she live in them raggedy ass apartments. That ain't no place to raise a child." He said getting a beer out the fridge. "I think we should just keep London here..indefinitely"


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10 days later...
Monday, November 23rd; 9:37 PM

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