Chapter 21: Happiness Don't Last

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For the rest of that evening, Jamar and Paris hotboxed, laughed, and they usually do.

They were now high as hell and just enjoying each other's presence.

Jamar admired Paris in every way. He loved him some Paris—and vice versa.

"You kinda cute" Paris said with low eyes as she played with her boyfriend's hair.

"Youuuuu just wanna fuck meeeee" Jamar said, causing them to both die with laughter.

"Mind your business." Paris said.

"You ready for UCLA?" Paris said as she sat back in his seat.

Him and Paris had both received full ride scholarships from UCLA, they were beyond blessed.

"Most definitely. I'm hella lookin forward to it." He said looking at her.

"I am too....ima be the first one to go to college," Paris chuckled. "My parents ain't go to college, my brothers ain't I'm on my way"

"Keep it up boo" Jamar said.

Randomly, Jamar grabbed Paris' face and started to passionately kiss her.

She kissed him back, now trying to get undressed, not breaking this kiss.

"You wanna go home?" He stopped.

"No. My daddy's home...let's get in the back..." Paris said as she tugged on his belt.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Paris' POV
2 hours later...

"You sure my eyes not red?!" I asked Jamar, who was dropping me off, before I went inside my house.

"You good babe. You got your eye drops right?"

I laughed. "Yeah. I had good time tonight" I smiled, trying not to look at him.

"Girl you ain't gotta tell me. I'm fully aware of that." His arrogant ass said.

I hit his arm.

"Bye boy. Love you." I said as I puckered my lips for a kiss.

"Love you more."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As I walked in the house, I prayed I didn't look like I been smoking ten bags of weed. He told me that he didn't care as long as I didn't do it around him and wasn't coming around him high, but I don't like the idea of him knowing I smoke, so I try to sober up before I come home.

When I walked into the living room, I seen my dad sitting there with his head down and his elbows resting on his knees.

"Pops?" I said walking towards the couch.

He ignored me..

Aww fuck I should've came straight home...

"You okay dad-"

"Yo brother in jail."

My mouth flew open at what he just told me.

"Who??" I asked feeling my stomach twist and turn.

"Take a wild fucking guess."

Fucking Aaron...

"Daddy what happened???" I said tearing up.

"This dumb muthafucka selling drugs." He said looking out the window.

I couldn't believe this..

"When did this happen?"

"He just called me from the jail about 30 minutes ago. He so fucking hard headed."

Right after that, someone can knocking on the door.

I walked to the door and opened it, and it was this bitch Kia.

"Girl, what?" I said with an annoyed tone in my voice.

"Let her in" my dad said as he sat back in his rocking chair.

"Yeah move." Kia rudely said as she pushed through the door.

She was so lucky she was carrying my neice in her fucking stomach cause I be so close to slapping the shit out of her.

"What the fuck happened Nakia??" My dad said with aggression in his voice.

"I had him selling a few things for the nigga I work for, he gotta make some money some fucking how I mean shit! He been quit his barber shop jo-"

"So bitch you're the fucking reason he in should really be to bald headed ass bitch I sw-"

"Girl ain't nothing bald bout me but this god damn cat bitch calm that shit down" Kia said putting her finger in my face.

Assuming my dad seen me about to punch this girl in her lip, he came and grabbed me.

"Go in yo room." He calmly said.

"After you have my granddaughter, you can exit my son's life cuz. He don't need you."

"How the fuck y-"

"Lower ya tone and watch what you say when you speaking to me Kia"

"Fuck this shit bro." Kia grabbed her keys and left.

Rude ass skank...

Short and boring chapter (sorry)
Next few chapters finna be craaazy....

To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now