Chapter 31: You're Dead to Me

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Saturday, December 26th
1:17 PM
Paris Brooks-

I walked into Five Guys and saw Jamar sitting in a booth and I made my way to the table

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I walked into Five Guys and saw Jamar sitting in a booth and I made my way to the table.

"Hey. How you doing?" He said as I sat down across from him.

"What's up?" I nonchalantly said as I say my purse down beside me.

There was a quick pause. "How you been? I-"

"Jamar don't come here tryna make shit normal and not awkward. Tell me what the fuck you had to tell me so I can leave. I don't wanna be here as it is." I said cutting him off.

He looked down.

"First off I wanna apologize for how I treated you. I acted like you was some random ass girl and I disrespected you. I'm so sorry."

"You sure did. That's it?"

"Um. I gotta few things to tell you."

"Hi you guys my name is Jason and I'm gonna be your waiter for today. Can I start you all with something to drink?" The waiter said.

"Water please." I said.

"Same for me."

"Alright I'll have that right out for you guys."

"But uh anyways..I was taking drugs for a for five months. On and off though."

"Boy, what?" I looked at him with an annoyed look. "What nigga, weed?"

"Nah." He looked off to the side. "PCP. Coke here and there."

"No wonder you was acting like a fucking crack head. Like a bipolar ass, horny ass dummy. Who the fuck you get coke from nigga? I can understand PCP, not that it's a fucking good thing, but COKE? Nigga what are you dumb?"

"A friend of a friend." He said as the waiter brought our drinks out.

"But....I have an STD." He bursted out.

For the first time since I was here, I looked at this boy in his eyes.

I slightly laughed. "Ha! From who? I know it ain't from me cause nigga you ain't fucked me in over almost five months—if not six, and I ain't fucking burning and itching. My shit is clean nigga."

"I'm not saying that." He looked down again.

"So what, it's from your fishy ass loose pussy having girlfriend? Why you telling me?"

"Because Paris you're the only one that'll listen." He started to cry. "My mom and my dad kicked me out. I got Cari pregnant. I just—I just got a lot going on right now and I don't have nobody. Cari and her brothers ain't doing shit for me...I'm only sticking around cause she's pregnant with my baby and she giving me a place to stay in her lil two bedroom apartment an—"

"Why do you feel the need to rant to me? We not together no more. Congrats on the baby tho." I sipped my water and go up from the table.

"Paris wait-" he grabbed my arm.

I looked at his hand and back at his face and he let go.

"I really have to tell you something more important.."

"What Jamar? Stop beating around the bush!" I angrily said to him.

"Mari-Mario...before he went to jail...a few months before that, he came to my house when my mama and my dad was gone." He said breaking down again.

"Because I told him to...I told him that Aaron...that he needed to kill Aaron because—" He couldn't finish his sentence before breaking down in tears. "Because I knew you had a lot going on with Aaron from him going to jail, and you was really worried about I told him to do it...I told him to do it so I could have you to myself again. I knew you and Aaron was close and—"


"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I swung on him like he was a punching bag. It seemed like everything was in slow motion.

"PARIS-" He screamed in pain.

I threw my glass water cup at him, climbed over the table, and continued to swing...


"YOU SELFISH—ASS—LYING—ASS—BITCH!" I cried as I cursed him out between punches.

"Ma'am!" An officer came over and pulled me off of him.

I consistently attempted to move out of his hold, but he had a tight grip on me.

"LET ME GO!" I sobbed.

"Ma'am please calm down! I don't want you to get in any trouble!" The officer said as he walked me outside of the restaurant.

"Ma'am are you all ri-" He said.

"I'm fine. Can somebody please get me my fucking purse" I shook as I got into my car.

I seen everyone from inside looking out here, but I didn't give a fuck.

Jamar crossed the line...too many times. I don't even understand. He hurt me. In more ways than one.

As the officer brought me my purse back, I pulled off and made my way to Kam's house.

- - - - -

"I already beat his ass once. And I don't want to have to do it again. I'm not finna go try to find this nigga to fight with him. But I promise you if I see him, it's on sight." Kam paced back and forth in his living room.

"How's your hand baby?" Raelyn said as she put more pressure on it with the ice pack. I got cut with a big piece of glass and I bruised my hand from punching the shit out of Jamar.

"It's okay." I lowly said.

Raelyn hugged me. "I'm sorry." She said as she kissed my forehead.

"Thank you." I hugged her back.

"Bubba you gotta get your temper back under control." Kam said.

"It could I not snap on him for that? He basically just told me that he told Mario to kill Aaron so he did it."

"I'm finna go to back to work. My lunch break is almost over." Kam said, avoiding problems like always.

"Kam?" I said before he walked out the door.


"Don't tell Adrian. I'll tell him myself on the phone." I said, knowing he tells Adrian damn near everything.

He nodded.

"Ow.." I said as I bumped my hand on the counter.

Short and quick chapter...


To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now