Chapter 22: Life Goes On

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Same night...

Soon as I got there they had Aaron on a stretcher and they were putting him in the ambulance truck, so I had to follow the ambulance truck to the hospital, and when we got there, we had to wait in the lobby for way too long and I was getting anxious.

He's okay, he's okay, he's okay

I kept think to myself as my leg uncontrollably shook.

I looked at my dad and Kam, and they had these unreadable expressions on their faces. Kam was pacing back and forth and my dad was sitting with his head in his hands.

As I was staring into space, I got a call from Kia, which made me wonder why she wasn't here.

"Hel-" I started before she cut me off

"Paris!" She panted, sounding like she was struggling to breathe."Paris where's Aaron? I been tryna call him and your dad and-" she paused again trying to catch her breath. "My water broke."

When I tell you mouth dropped...

"Where are you?? Are you on your way to a hospital??" I said, standing up.

"Yes I- UUUGGHHHH" She moaned in pain. "My mama is taking me right now but where is Aaron?"

"Who you talking to?" My dad and Kam asked.

"Kia." I mouthed. "Kia Aaron-" before I could finish, my phone died.

"No no no daddy Kia's water broke and she's on her way to the hospital" I cried in stress.

"Are you fucking kidding me bro" Kam said leaning against the wall.

"Brooks family? Family of Aaron King Brooks?" A white lady came out and called.

We quickly got up and followed her.

"Look, please don't beat around the bush, just let us know if he's good." My dad said to the woman.

She looked down.

"Um" she cleared her throat. "Aaron was shot four his shoulder, his left thigh, his hand, his head—Aaron didn't make it."

"...Aaron didn't make it....Aaron didn't make it....Aaron didn't make it....Aaron didn't make it."

and in his head...Aaron didn't make it...shot four times...shot....was shot four his head...didn't make on the way...Aaron didn't make brother is gone...

Everything was blurry. I struggled for breath.

"Let me see my son. He ain't dead. If he dead it's cause YALL LET  HIM DIE!" My dad broke down.

"Take me to my brother" Kam said calmly with tears filling his eyes.

"I'm afraid we can't let you all back there right now while he's li-"

I ran out of the hall, into the lobby, and went outside.

Tears just fell free from my eyes. I sat against the brick wall of the hospital. I cried like a baby.

I looked up at the sky while my tears continued to pour out of my eyes. I cried so loud. I didn't know what to do. I lost my mom my brother? "Why...why didn't you just take me God?! WHY?! Oh my god...I can't do this! I can't!"

9 hours later...
4:27 AM

My dad couldn't even to come to the room to see the baby...and Kia still didn't know.

I opened the door with Kam behind me and seen Kia, her mom, and her two sisters in the room.

"Where the hell is Aaron?! See he always wanna run away from his damn responsibilities and when I call his ass, he don't wanna answer, and he missed the fucking birth of his dau-" Kia said with the baby whose face I couldn't even see in her arms.

I wasn't finna stand there and let her talk shit, even though she didn't know, it was pissing me off, but Kam spoke before me.

"AYE!" He yelled making everybody in the room jump, including me. "Aaron got fucking shot four times and he.." he looked down as he started to cry. "He ain't make it. Don't ever speak on him like that when you ain't know the situation! Fuck man!" He walked out.

Kia sat there, speechless, with tears filling her eyes. "So you mean to tell me...Aaron is dead?" Her voice cracked.

I couldn't stand to hear those words. Before I cried in front of everybody, I stepped out of the room and saw Kam in a sitting area so I sat with him.

"He gone Bubba." His voice cracked as he laid his head on my shoulder. I cried with him and hugged him back as tight as I could.

I don't wanna be here anymore...


Sorry for the long ass wait for the update 😩😭 but I hope y'all are staying safe and y'all are in quarantine! But I'm back! Hopefully I can give y'all frequent updates...

To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now