Chapter 4: You WHAT?

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Paris' POV

12:42 p.m.

Wednesday, February 24th

I was suspended for the rest of the week, which I was kinda irritated about. My dad was making me do all the chores in the book.

I had told Aaron about the fight, and he wasn't going for it. He basically told me the same thing my dad said.

But Kam on the other hand, doesn't know. And I don't plan on telling him. Only 'cause he's crazy.

Lately, Aaron's been kinda distant. Not like he won't talk to me or anything, but he's just been...not around much.

I woke up today around 12. My dad left for work at about 7:30. So when I got up I went to brush my teeth and I took a shower.

When I got out, I headed to the kitchen to make me some cereal.

Aaron still hadn't came out of his room yet, which is weird, because usually when he hears that I'm up, he'll come out of his room. See, this is what I'm talking about, DISTANT.

I opened the pantry and took out some Cinnamon Toast Crunch and got my bowl.

But, sure enough there was no milk in the fridge.

Aaron always had a bad ass habit of taking food in his room, ESPECIALLY cereal. So I'm sure he had the milk in there too.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards his closed up room with loud music playing.

"Nigga you got the mi-" I said while opening his door.

I almost threw up at what I seen.

"AARON!" I yelled, disgusted.

"CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR!" He yelled back.

All ima say is, he had his jimmy in some hoe that I had NEVER seen before. And it was not pretty.

I quickly shut the door laughing to myself, but still disgusted.

"What you want, nigga?!" He yelled through the door, turning the music down.

"I was gone ask for the fucking milk, but never mind now! Nasty ass." I said rolling my eyes while walking back got kitchen.

A few minutes later he came back out of the room with his hair all messed up.

I looked at him up and down.

"Where the skank at?" I said scrunching my face up.

"Aye man watch out." He said tryna sound hard.

"Look bruh don't tell my daddy."

I laughed at him and looked back at the TV.

"So this why you been so distant lately. You been fucking on some hoe that don't nobody know about."

He squinted his eyes. "Nigga you don't even know her, so watch out wit' the hoe word." He said sounding irritated.

It was rare that we argued, but it happens.

"And it ain't nobody's business but mine who I'm fucking and talkin' to." He said walking into the kitchen.

I looked at him like he was stupid.

"Nigga it is OUR business if you doin' the shit in our daddy's house and you expect me not to tell him? It's time for yo' 19 year old ass to move the fuck up outta here anyways! Ain't nobody finna keep taking care of you! Nigga you got a job, AND you making money but act like you can't fucking get off yo ass and go get an apartment or some shit? Fuck outta here."
I said to him.

He walked back in the living room with an unreadable expression.

"Bubba.." He said looking down.

I looked at him confused.

"She 3 months pregnant."

I almost choked on my juice.

"You said what?" I chuckled, not sure if I heard him right.

"I-" He said before getting cut off by the door bell.

"I hope that's daddy too." I said while smiling.

But, it was Kam. Even better. He was finna lecture his ass.

"Waddup, Bub!" He enthusiastically said as I opened the door for him.

"Hey Kam" I said, giving him a hug.

"Now finish telling me what you were saying, Aaron." I said, being petty.

He looked at me with his nostrils flared up.

Kam looked at him confused.

"Tell her what you had to say, fool. I wanna know too. What seems to be the problem?" Kam said, obviously knowing Aaron was hiding something.

"Man I don't even remem-" Aaron said before I cut him off.

"He got some girl pregnant" I said before he lied.

"PARIS!" Aaron yelled at me.

Kam stared at Aaron, looking surprised as ever.

"Nigga, I just KNOW you fucking lying!" He said with his hands on his head.

"You WHAT?!?!" My dad yelled catching all of us off guard.

Aaron knew he was in trouble now.


7:20 p.m.

After hours of talking about it, Aaron explained to us that the girl was somebody he knew from "6lue Flagz", which is some type of private party that all of the neighboring crips go to. He  said that he met her there last November (mind you, it's now February), and they've been on and off since then.

He said that they argue and get back together a lot, but he thinks "she's the one", which really pisses me off because if that was the case, why haven't we heard about her? I think he was just telling my daddy what he thought  he wanted to hear.

"Aaron I'm fucking disappointed. You smarter than this, nigga!" My dad yelled. "If you was gone go fuck her, you ain't think to wrap yo' shit up?!"

Aaron looked down the whole time.

"Aye man, look." My dad said trying to calm down. "I love you more than you'll ever know. But I can't take care of no grown ass man. That's what you are right? You a grown ass man wit 'girl' AND a baby on the way! So with that being said, you better start looking for places to stay 'cause you can't stay here too much longer, cuz." He walked off.

When my dad says "cuz", just know he's serious. Well, scratch that. When me, my dad, OR my brothers say "cuz" we're mad as hell.

I was shocked. I know I had mentioned him needing to move out earlier, but I didn't expect that. 

Aaron was still looking down. I left after my dad, leaving just him and Kam.

"Bro I'm here to talk anytime, and you know that, but you gotta get yo' shit together. For real." Kam said to Aaron. "I'm finna dip."

Aaron looked up. "Can I come wit' you? Just for the night?"

I didn't blame him. My dad was probably gone be talking about it all night.

Kam looked at him. "Yeah bro, come on."

I hated when they would go places without me, but I was gonna let them have their moment.

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