Chapter 43: Manipulation

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Saturday, April 13th
8:00 PM
Paris Brooks

"Sooo I just came here to watch y'all play football?" I said as I started to get bored.

Today Me, Adrian, and Kam went to Lincoln Park. We like to come at night time cause then nobody's really here and we pretty much have the park to ourselves.

"LETS GOOOOO!" Adrian yelled when Kam didn't catch the ball he threw.

"Nigga I got a cramp in my arm!" Kam said.

"Excuses man" Adrian laughed, out of breath.

"Alright nigga watch this you ain't gone see this next one coming." Kam yelled.

"Y'all get on my nerves. I should've told Lex to come." I said as I sat in the grass and scrolled on my phone.

After about 10 minutes of me waiting on these niggas to get finished and me scrolling on my phone, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and my stomach quickly dropped. It was the same nigga from Florida. The one who came up to us asking if I was single.

"What's up Paris? Where ya boyfriend at—Oh! Never mind. I see him." He said before walking over towards him and Kam.

"What the fuck?" I said before getting up to follow him.

"Bro you—the fuck? Tj?" Kam said as he held the football in his hands.

"You know him?" Me and Adrian said together.

"It's Stretch, homeboy."

"Me and this nigga used to play pop warner together. We used to go to summer camp together." Kam said as he clenched his jaws.

"What the fuck you want bruh? It's like you following us you fucking weirdo." Adrian said as he walked up to "Stretch."

"Who you talking to homie? I don't think I know you. So is that a proper greeting, blood?" Stretch said as he adjusted his hoodie on his head.

"Nigga I don't give a fuck WHO you is! What the fuck you want wit us?" Adrian said, now all in his face.

Stretch looked him up and down and wiped his face.

"Wow! That shit was SO disrespectful. You just spit in my got damn face, talking to me like you somebody." Stretch laughed. "Yo!"

With that, Jamar and Mario approached us.

My heart dropped. Seeing both of their faces at the same time almost made me cry. Not because I was sad—but because I wanted to hurt both of em. Just as bad as they hurt me.

"Nigga what the fuck is this supposed to be?" Kam said, slightly laughing.

"Sup nephew?" Mario said.

"I will fucking kill you don't say shit to my brother." I said with rage.

"Bitch shut up-" Jamar said before Adrian socked his ass in is face.

Next thing I know, Mario had Kameron on the ground to prevent him from touching Jamar—and Stretch had my arms behind my back like I was a fucking prisoner.

"LET ME GO!" I screamed as I watched Adrian beat the living shit out of Jamar.

"Girl calm yo ass down." Stretch carelessly said.

"THE FUCK OFF ME!" Kam tried to wrestle with Mario.

He finally got out of his hold and pulled Adrian off.

Mario held Jamar back, who had a swollen and black eye and a bruised up face.

I cried as I ran towards Mario and slapped him in his face.

He held his face in pain and looked at me with rage in his eyes.

"Bitch!" He said as he slapped me back.

And just like that, all hell broke out. All three of us went crazy.

Moments later...

"What's going on here?" A cop said as he approached them.

Paris held her face in pain and walked away. Kam followed her to comfort her.

"Sir this man attacked me." Jamar groaned in pain. "Just because I wanted to see my girlfriend."

Adrian looked at Jamar.

The cop took a look at Jamar's face then looked at Stretch.

"Sir would you come here for a second?" He asked Stretch.

Stretch walked over there.

"Did you witness this whole thing?"

"Yes sir. I was taking my daily walk in the park when I heard the two arguing about some girl. Then next thing I see is the dude with the dreads attack him."

"What about you sir?" The cop asked Mario.

"I was with him. I seen the whole thing hap-"

"Sir they are fucking lying! What the fuck?" Adrian angrily shouted.

"Sir calm down. I'm gonna need you to put your hands behind your back." The officer said as he pulled handcuffs out.

"Yo!" Kam ran from the bench he and Paris were sitting at. "Aye, aye, aye what the fuck is going on?"

Paris ran right behind her brother.

"Officer, no! That's not what hap-" Adrian said as the cop started to grab his arm and put it behind his back.

"No. No! No, sir you can't arrest him you don't understand what happened!" Paris cried as the officer cuffed him.

"Bro come on! What you even arresting him for?" Kam's voice started to shake.

"Stand back please!" The cop raised his voice. "Let's go."

"NO!" Paris stood in front of the officer. "If you arrest him you have to arrest them too—sir please." Paris started to break down.

"Get out of the way before I arrest your ass too!" The officer abruptly said as he opened the police car door.

"What is he going to jail for man?" Kam angrily shouted in the cops face.

"Look at that boy's face! That's aggravated assault! His face is completely messed up! An ambulance is on the way." The cop said as he put Adrian in the car.

Adrian was pissed. And you knew it because when he was pissed, he didn't say anything. He had this look on his face, but he wouldn't say anything.

"Adrian!" Paris cried as she touched the window.

Adrian looked down. He couldn't even look at her right now. It would break his heart to look at her through the back of a police car.

"Bro it's gone be all good, okay? We got you bro!" Kam yelled as he held back tears.

Adrian looked up and nodded as tears rolled down his face.

Kam turned around and walked towards Jamar.

"HEY! Leave the kid alone! You know what, I'm gonna walk to your car. Let's go. Both of you." The officer said to Kam and Paris.

Kam looked at the officer, ready to beat the shit out of him.

"Fuck you." Was all Kam said before walking off to the car himself.

"You alright?" Kam heard the cop ask Jamar as he and Paris quickly walked to his car.

"Everything gone be alright, Paris. You hear me?" Kam said as he grabbed Paris's hand in the car.

All she could do is cry and look out the window.

"I want him dead." Paris said as her voice cracked.

Kam looked up at her. "Who?"

"Both of em." She said as she wiped her tears.

To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now