Chapter 23: If it's Not One Thing, It's Another

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1 week later...
Monday, September 10th, 1:15 PM
Paris Brooks-

My heart felt so empty. I walked into the funeral home with Kameron on my left side and my daddy on right, and felt myself start to tremble when I seen my brother laying in that casket.

They had me do his hair for the actual funeral (yes, I can do that), and I wasn't scared at all. The makeup artist was there to comfort me and she put me at ease. A few times when she left the room, I'd find myself talking to him like he was alive and listening. I know he was. I thought I couldn't cry no more, but as I was talking to him, I just felt tears rolling down my face constantly. It wasn't even like a literal scrunch my face up type of cry, I was just crying. I told him I love him more times than I could even count. And I beat myself up because my last words to him weren't even I love you...

He was so cold. He got shot in his temple area, and that's where the mortician cut his head—straight through the middle. His hair wasn't even full and thick like it usually was because of the wounds. I did his hair into two braids. I had to use so much gel because the mortician cut his hair in the middle, so all of it couldn't even reach each braid...

Everyone was either seated, crying, looking at him in his casket, or all of the above.

Don't cry Paris. Please do not cry.

I felt like I had ran out of tears to cry. But I still had the urge to. That's all I been doing since that day. I don't know what else to do.

I'm glad we got our moment to ourselves...

"Oh, my baby!" My grandma on my dad's side cried as she walked in with my cousins before she almost fainted.

"You did a good job wit his hair Bub" Kameron weakly smiled. I could tell he was hurt. He hadn't cried since the day we was killed (at least not that I'd seen) He's just been really, really quiet and distant.

I laid my head on his shoulder after we sat down.

My dad on the other hand has been trying to keep himself busy in order to take his mind off of things, and I know he's hurting. He's cried maybe twice since that day, but he tries to keep our spirits up.

"Can't fucking believe this." I heard my dad whisper to himself as he looked behind him to the front door.

Me and Kameron looked back with my dad. "The fuck" Me and Kam both said at the same time.

Guess who.

Mario's dumb dirt neck having ass walks in there.
Guess what he's wearing? A red tuxedo. Red Stacy Adams.

He sat down in the row directly behind us.

"What's goin' on family? How y'all holdin' up" Mario whispers.

"Why you here?" Me, my dad, and Kam said in unison.

"You walked up in here with that old red ass suit like some fake ass blood, nigga I-" My dad started.

"Pops now is not the time for that. We here to remember the life of my brother without all this negative ass energy. Mario if you gone come up in here witcho bullshit nigga just leave." Kam said.

Mario smirked and looked away. "Can't speak Paris?" He said after about 30 seconds.

"Don't have shit to say to you." I said without even turning around.

"Watch your mouth." My dad tapped my arm.

"Listen to ya daddy." Mario leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now