Chapter 37: What a Night

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"For what?" I yell at the officer, now getting heated.

"Paris." Adrian said to me.

"Bubba stop talking." Kam said.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time to step out of the car." The officer said resting his hand on his gun.

"Sir may I ask why?" Kam asked, clearly trying to stay calm.

"Bro come o-" Maurice said tapping Kam's shoulder, before he was rudely cut off by the officer.

"DAMMIT IF I HAVE TO SAY IT ONE MORE TIME!" The officer said, now pulling his gun out.

My heart was beating so hard and fast.

We opened our doors and started to walk out.

"Keep your hands up, and do not move until I tell you to do so!"

I was terrified right now. I've never been pulled over. Not by myself, or with anyone else. I was dead ass shaking...

"This is Officer Matthew Cooper calling for backup." He said into his walkie talkie as he searched through my brother's car.

I started to pant.

"You people on your way to some trap house? Smell like ten bags of weed." The officer said while still searching his car.

"You people? Who-" Maurice started as he got angry with the officer.

"Chill out man..." Adrian said.

"Look sir marijuana is legal in the state of California. Always was. Only thing we were doing was smoking-" Kam started before the cop rushed over towards him and forcefully pushed him on the ground.

"BOY I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO GIVE ME YOUR GOD DAMN EXPLANATION!" The officer said as he sat on Kameron's back, pushing his face into the concrete.

"KAMERON!" I cried in fear. I hated seeing the videos of police brutality and police treatment towards the black community...but actually witnessing it? To my own brother? Was terrifying.

"Yo what the fuck is yo problem my nigga?" Adrian yelled as he ran over towards the cop and pushed him off of Kameron on to the ground.

"AYE!" Maurice yelled trying to get Adrian off.

"You mother fucker I will shoot a god damn bullet in the middle of your forehead!" The officer, now startled, shook as he held the gun towards Adrian.

All I could do was cry. This was the scariest shit I've witnessed in a LONG time.

"PLEASE no!" I cried.

"Paris...stop." Kam faintly said, still laying on the concrete as he moaned in pain.

"Muhfucka shoot me. I wish the fuck you would." Adrian said as he breathed heavily.

Soon as he said that, the other police car pulled up and immediately got out.

Please no...

"What's going on here Cooper?" The other Officer said as he approached the scene, causing me to look up.

What I expected to be a white cop, was a black cop.

"These people are selling drugs." He said still holding the gun to Adrian.

"Selling drugs????" Me, Adrian, Maurice, and Kam said at the same time.

To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now