Chapter 13: Without You

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Two Months Later..
Wednesday, June 9th

Graduation Day...

Paris POV
11:15   AM
I was scared, shaking, nervous, EVERYTHING!

I was beyond happy though. My daddy, brothers, my grandma, my granddaddy, my cousins, and Alexys were all at my graduation.

Over the past two months, a lot has happened...for one, I'm valedictorian so that's bomb asf! But, I had to write a speech, which I'm a lil nervous about doing.., I went to prom with Jamar, I been hanging out with Jamar, Alexys, and Kyla a LOT lately—life been treating me pretty good...

I'm graduating..I'm graduating....that's crazy to even say!

Like I said, Jamar was in twelfth grade, so he was also graduating. My dad took liking to him because of how wise and laid back Jamar is, and my brothers did too.

The students were already seated in their specific seats, and I was sitting next to a friend named Maya who was a senior. She was hella cool and down to earth.
About an hour later...

I finished up my speech.

"...thank you, Crenshaw High." I finished feeling myself tear up.

Once again, the crowd cheered loudly.

I felt like a brick had been picked up off my stomach...

45 minutes later...


We all threw our caps into the air and I instantly felt myself tearing up again.

"Congratulations my baby! You did it! I love you soooo much! Mommy is so proud of you Bubba!"

Tears started to escape my eyes...

I heard my mommas voice...

My chest suddenly started to hurt. My momma should be here right now. Times like this is when I start to hate Los Angeles again. I can't keep pretending like I'm fine and I'm happy when I'm fucking not. I've tried, I promise—but I can't continue to convince myself that it's okay that 'your momma is gone'...

I haven't had an anxiety attack in a while and I felt one coming upon myself...

Everything was on slow motion. All I seen was Jamar run up to me and hug me.

"We did it boo!" He said hugging me tight as ever while rocking back and forth.

I hugged him back and broke down on his shoulders.

"Paris?" He said while pulling me back to look at my face.

"Graduates please go meet your families in the front." I heard someone say on the mic.

I didn't say nothing, I just kept crying.

"You good? Tears of joy?" He joked.

"Come on lets go." He said again.

As we walked out, Jamar kept me by his side and held me tight. I felt like everybody was looking at me, I wanted to go home and lock myself in my room.

To Live and Die In L.A. (FINISHED) Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now