Chapter 8: I Wanna Be Yours

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Paris' POV

7:45 p.m

"Oh my gosshhhh" I said blushing.

He took me to this mountain in downtown L.A. 

It may sound corny but I loved it. He had us take a helicopter ride to the top, and and we had a perfect view of the Hollywood sign.

He put a big blanket on the ground, and we had ham sandwiches, a whole bunch of snacks, lemonades, and candy

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He put a big blanket on the ground, and we had ham sandwiches, a whole bunch of snacks, lemonades, and candy.

"You know, you know, I try" He laughed.

We stood and stared at the Hollywood sign for a while.

"Well the blanket is here for a reason girl" He said snapping me out of my MANY thoughts.

I jokingly rolled my eyes and sat down.

He pulled a speaker out of his book bag and played this calm ass music.

"Boyyyyy.." I said side eyeing him.

He laughed. "The perfect music for this type of scenery, shorty. Everything don't gotta be loud ass rap all the time"

I couldn't stop looking at him. When he talked it just made me wanna squeeze him. His personality made him the most attractive person on the earth. Besides myself of course.
"So..if you don't mind me asking," he paused and then looked at me. ",what was your mom like?" He said, kind of hesitating.

That caught me off guard. I didn't think he even remembered that my mom died. I never talked about that with him. Honestly, I didn't even think he cared about that.

I layed back on the blanket and looked at the stars.

He layed his head on top of my stomach. That made me smile a little.

"She had such a good spirit." I said, breaking the silence.

"She was always the one to make somebody feel better about something. And she was so giving. She bought my grandma and my granddaddy a house and a car—for no reason." I said starting to cry.

I didn't say anything for a while, which is when Jamar realized I was crying. He sat up and brought me into his arms.

"I'm sorry, Bubba" he said. "I'm so so sorry."

I thought it was so cute how he called me Bubba..

I hugged him so tight. I wanted to kiss him like we were at our wedding. Jesus, the thoughts that went through my mind.

I wiped my face. "Thank you, ugly." I said smiling at him.

"Clearly I ain't too ugly." He said laughing.

"Let me see a picture of her." He said.

I showed him my home screen. My lock screen was a mirror selfie of me and him. I hope he ain't see that though.

He smiled at me.


"I see where you get yo' beauty from." He said sounding corny.

I looked at him like I did a thousand times that night.

I caressed his face, pulled it towards mine and kissed him.

It's been a minute since I've been in a relationship, but he made me want one so damn bad. Him and my daddy were the ONLY people I acted like a baby for. They treated me like a princess. You would NEVER catch me acting like this in front of other people. Bitch ima G'.

He looked at me with an unreadable expression.

I sighed. "My bad." I said feeling awkward.

He kissed me again.

I was in lala land...


10:26  p.m.

"Man you ate my hot fries?!" He said sounding irritated. 

I laughed at him. "I was hungry, nigga"

He side eyed me. "You had three sandwiches, 4 bags of chips, 4 Reese's cups, some sour patch kids, half of my sandwich, and some damn lemonade girl!"

I flicked him off while we were laughing.

He looked at his phone. "We gotta go. I don't want yo' dad cussing my ass out." He joked as he started to call the helicopter man.

We cleaned up everything and put everything back in his bag. He grabbed my hand and waited for the helicopter.


11:00 p.m.

We pulled up to my house at 11 on the dot.

*ding dong*

"Wassup y'all." Kam said as he opened the door.

"H-" we started as we got interrupted by my dad.

"Well, well, well!" He yelled being dramatic as always.

Lord here we go.

15 minutes later...

"So I ain't get no invite to this lavish ass helicopter ride?" My dad joked nudging Jamar.

Jamar laughed at him. "Nah I got something better in store for everybody." He said jokingly.

Aaron, Kam, and my dad laughed. "Now y'all ain't do no kissing and touching or nunna that shit, right?" My dad said.

We looked at each other.

"Awwww, HELL NAH!" Aaron's dramatic ass said.

"What the hell y'all do? I know y'all niggas ain't have sex." My dad said taking his hat off.

"NO!" Me and Jamar both said. Even though I did want to...

"All I did was kiss him. I kissed HIM. Not the other way around. It wasn't him, daddy." I said not wanting him to cuss Jamar out.

"Y'all gotta chill." Kam said walking over towards us. "She growing up! She not gone be this lil' ass baby for the rest of her life. She mature enough to start makin' them kinda decisions, so let her be, y'all! Damn."

I was surprised. I thought he'd be the hardest on me, honestly.

My dad side eyed him. "Alright, alright, nigga."

We all laughed.

"Lemme holla at you real quick in the kitchen real quick tho, son." He said, referring to Jamar.

They walked into the kitchen.

I sighed, then went in my room and took a shower.

Lord. Lord. Lord.


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